Here is some of what he will be studying this year... We use My Father's World curriculum for Bible, writing and science. Saxon Math for math. The Ordinary Teacher's Guide to Teaching Reading for reading. First Language Lessons for grammar. Drawing with Children by Mona Brooks for art. Spelling Workout (Modern Curriculum Press) for spelling and Pathway Readers (used in Amish schools) for reading practice.
I am really looking forward to starting school. Thankfully, so is he. I find that I really miss the one on one time with him that we haven't had much of this summer. So far, Sadie is still taking an afternoon nap, so that's when we'll do school.

On to the other student in our family, Jamey. Jamey started back this Monday. He is a second year pharmacy student- full time. This means no outside jobs for us during the school year. I know some of you are wondering how this is possible since I stay at home.
Well, to start out with, we are savers (Jamey had a good job before going back to school). Then, there are student loans (Praise God!). So far, student loans have covered his school expenses and most of our living expenses, so we haven't had to tap into our savings yet. Then, there is the home equity loan we took out before he started school. It's there as a back up and we are hoping we won't have to touch it.
Ok. Now that there are no longer any financial questions...Jamey really likes what he's gotten into. He enjoyed his first year and spent this past summer working and interning at our local hospital. There are four years to his program with an additional year to specialize (which he is leaning towards doing). It's a good thing we like to grow our own food- it's helping us out financially, too- bonus!

Sadie and I are feeling a little left out here. So, here are the books she and I are reading and have read.

Once school starts, I'm really not sure how much reading I will get done.... I will have to just consider myself 'support staff' for awhile. Come to think of it, I'm support staff all the time. I guess this won't be much of a transition for me:-).

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