Sunday evening, I called to update him on my sister and to say I would be later than I thought getting home. I had resigned myself to the fact that I would probably be canning peaches until the wee hours of the morning. Well, didn't he go and can almost ALL my peaches, leaving me a few dozen to freeze. 28 quarts. What a gift.

While he was canning, the kids were...let's say...NOT being cooperative. So when they went off quietly to play, Jamey was happy for the break. Soon he heard a car drive in the lane. It was a sheriff. He got out of his car and Jamey met him outside. He asked if everything was alright and then told Jamey that they had a 911 hang-up from our address. Hmmmmmm...quiet playing...? Needless to say, Jamey apologized profusely and that was that. Don't worry. We had the whole 911 discussion again. And the boy-who-cried-wolf discussion. And the phones-are-not-toys discussion. And the if-you-ever-do-that-again-if-it's-not-an-emergency.... discussion. You get my drift.
I think Sam learned his lesson. As did I. If I go out of town RIGHT when produce needs to be put up, my darling husband will do it for me:-). Pin It
Twenty-plus quarts of peaches while watching two kids? Now that's a SEXY man!