Frog Soup (recipe from Sam Gribley)
"Clean, skin and boil until tender. Add wild onions, also water lily bulbs and wild carrots. Thicken with acorn flour. Serve in turtle shell."
Talk about local food. No, I didn't make frog soup. Did you think I did?
Sam and I are reading My Side of the Mountain
This book is about a boy who runs away from home to live all alone on the side of a mountain (You may not want to read this to a child whom you think might actually run away). He burns out the inside of a hemlock tree and makes it his home. He fishes, collects nuts and berries, traps animals, makes his own deer skin clothes and trains a baby falcon to hunt for him. I never read it as a child and I am loving it as much as Sam. And Sam LOVES this book. I read until my throat gets dry. Sadie actually sits and listens. See? It's very good. And there are a lot more recipes included, in addition to Frog case you're interested.

Be sure to tell Sam that Darin just re-read that book this winter!
ReplyDeleteI thought you did! is turtle soup made from turtles--I gotta get that book for Anthony ,my adventurous 7 1 / 2 year old grand son he will love it for his birthday next week--I'm curios,if I comment on a older blog like this ,do you get notified? I guess I will find out.