If she was awake and downstairs, they were by her side. Sadie starting calling her "mine" and would cry, inconsolably, if she could not be with her (if she was off nursing or napping). Thankfully, they were both very gentle with her. And, she actually smiled at them and seemed to be amused by them and their antics and activity.
It's hard to believe that they were once as small as she. We measured feet for fun. Sadie's foot is first, then Sam's.

It looks like Sadie has inherited my flat feet. And Sam, Jamey's big toe. Sorry, kids. Oh, back to the visit. It was really wonderful and since we don't live too far apart, hopefully these visits will become routine:-). Pin It
Thanks so much for having us!! Eliza enjoyed her cousins so much and how much fun were they to watch! Her feet don't seem so big anymore....