Here is a list of of what he (with a little help from Sam) accomplished last week:
~ started seeds in trays (on our table in the office- they are up already as you can see above)
~ pruned the red raspberry bushes
~ planted potatoes and onion sets
~ clipped the chickens wings (again) and they are still flying into the garden. advice??
~ cleared out the debris from the asparagus beds
~ planted lettuce and spinach in the cold frame dome
~ borrowed the neighbor's wood chipper to chip branches leftover from the pear trees being cut down
~ ran a 31 mile trail race
~ volunteered two mornings at the local free clinic
~ built a new grow-lighting system
~ cleaned the bathrooms
It makes me tired just reading the list.
What did I do during spring break? The usual chores; food making, laundry, teaching Sam, keeping the house in order, as well as clearing some debris from flower beds and sorting through kids' clothes to get ready for the warmer season. That was plenty.
I can usually keep up with Jamey just fine. These days, small tasks are all I can handle. He's not growing a baby, peeing every 15 minutes and waking up every hour in order to will myself to roll over because my legs are achy. Give me about six months and I'll be back.
He did good, though. Very, very good. Thanks, dear. You're my lobster. Pin It
Wow! So productive...!
ReplyDeleteAnd you are productive too...growing a baby is hard work! And you're doing a GREAT job...can't wait to see the little one!
Have you figured out how to keep the chickens from flying out? You only clip one wing. We always clipped the left wing only. It's easier to restrain the bird by holding it in a football hold with you left arm, holding the wing out with your left hand, and clipping with scissors with your right hand. (A lefty would probably want to do everything the opposite of what I just said.)
ReplyDeleteMichelle H, We started out by only clipping one wing and that didn't work, so we clipped a bit higher, still didn't work, so we clipped both. STILL not working. We have some very motivated chickens! So, we string yellow tape a foot or so above our garden fence and this seems to deter them. Part of it all is our fault. In the fall and winter we let them in the garden and they love it, then we tell them that for the spring and summer they have to stay out. I'm thinking it's our own fault:-).