Thursday, May 14, 2009

Garden Update

Jamey here with an update on the garden. The potatoes, onions & peas have been in since early March & are coming along nicely.


Onions (strawberries to the right)

Peas planted along the fence all the way around the garden.

A few weeks later I got the beets, some carrots and swiss chard planted. Our average last frost is May 15, and with the 10-day forecast showing no danger of frost until then, I planted some sweet corn on 4/30. I would've done more that day, but ran out of time. With my final exams, a long stretch of rainy days and a weekend away from home, I didn't get anything else planted until this week (5/11) when I transplanted tomatoes, red peppers (I cheated and bought these as transplants), basil, jalapenos, broccoli and cabbage. The lettuce & spinach have been great & we've been having large salads two meals a day.





Lettuce, spinach and garlic

This is the back-garden (below). It's unfenced, so we're at the mercy of the rabbits out there--they weren't a problem last year, but we've seen noticeably more this year so we're keeping our fingers crossed.

This section is about 2000 square feet and at this point I have the following planted there (in 45' rows): 3 rows of sunflowers (will be used as a support for pole beans, for drying), 3.5 rows of bush green beans, 6 rows of sweet corn and a row of yukon gold potatoes. The picture shows grass clippings which I laid down in the paths between where the earlier corn is up. Straw and grass clippings keep the moisture in, the weeds down (or at least easier to pull out because the soil stays damp) and provides nice, clean paths to walk on after rain.

Everything is nicely weeded thanks to our friend, Bess. Bess, you rock.
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  1. Looks fabulous, and very, very impressive!

  2. "Takes a bow"...thank you thank you.
    Oh pssshaw...not everything is weeded. ;) I'll come back anytime you need me!


Just a friendly reminder, if you know me personally please try to refrain from using my name. There are those who may try to locate me, break into my pantry and steal my pickled beets. Thanks:-).

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