Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Little Photographer

One of the little people in my house often high-jacks my camera. Sometimes with my knowledge. Sometimes without.

Here we have a still life. The blanket her dear Auntie Mols (my sister) made for her on a chair at my parents' house.

Our kitchen trashcan. Notice how she captured it's dusty essence.

Ahh. This one is can bring a tear to the eye...a lonely babe. On the kitchen floor.

The laundry room after returning from the hotel with the swimming pool. Nice composition if I may say so myself.

She calls this one 'Bench in Kitchen'.

Her self-portrait. Oh, how dramatic.

Here she is, the photographer herself. Ever stylish. Ever accessorized. My Sadie girl.

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  1. I love the apron in the last photo... but that poor baby...on the kitchen floor...all alone... and without any pants on... or socks... and there it is again on the bench...with a dinosaur hovering over it... yikes!

  2. Oh Sadie, you make me laugh! Love you!

  3. The baby on the kitchen floor is my favorite... makes me contemplate what was going on in her little mind as she shot that photo. Good use of light and perspective on that one.

    I often find that my cell phone has been hijacked by an 11 year old. Always interesting to see what appears on the photos there.

    Happy New Year!

  4. i HEART your Sadie Girl....and sometimes I borrow that name, and call her MY Sadie Girl! :)


Just a friendly reminder, if you know me personally please try to refrain from using my name. There are those who may try to locate me, break into my pantry and steal my pickled beets. Thanks:-).

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