
Monday, October 11, 2010

My 3G: Gifts, Giving, Giveaway!

 This giveaway is closed, but you can still share your gifts with us if you like.  See who won here.

I've been wanting to write a post on gifts.  Not gifts we buy, but gifts we have.  God made us unique and equipped us with special talents.  Are you in tune with yours?  For myself, I can think of things I'm good at, or do relatively well, but when it comes to answering the question, "What are your gifts?", I tend to shrink away.

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.  1 Corinthians 12: 4,5

In part, I think we worry about not appearing humble enough when we're asked to talk about our strengths and talents.  It's true we are to strive to be humble, but if we brush those gifts too far under the rug in our own minds are they accessible for use?  (Sometimes I worry that I don't make sense and all you kind people are just humoring me by coming by everyday to see what this odd woman is *trying* to say this time.)

What I want to say is that I would like us all to take a minute and really think about what our God-given talents are and how we might be able to access and use them this coming week.  Let's turn our gifts into giving.

Now, for the third "G"...

The Giveaway CSN Stores offered me another opportunity to give away (1) one-time use e-gift card to be used in any of their online stores at a value of a whopping $75.00!  In case you've forgotten, CSN Stores is not just one website, it is over 250 specialty stores online.  These websites include all manner of items, such as upholstered headboards, cookware, flooring, office supplies, furniture, baby accessories, lighting...obviously the list goes on and on.  You can find a list of all their sites here

To Enter:  To help us be bold when it comes to speaking of our gifts, please leave a comment below sharing what your gifts are.  Put them out there, my friends.  To help us celebrate our gifts, your comment will enter you to win the $75.00 e-gift card.

One entry per household, please.  This giveaway is open to U.S. and Canadian residents only (so sorry far away friends!).  Please leave an initial or two if you comment anonymously.  If you have trouble commenting, please email me your entry ( and I'll post it for you.

I will chose a winner sometime this Friday afternoon.  Thank you, CSN Stores, for helping us celebrate our gifts!

I'll go first (deep breath).  In my humblest writing voice (See?  This can be hard!), I would say that my gifts include teaching, giving, organization and being compassionate.  Phew.

Not it's your turn :-).


  1. My gifts?? GULP*** Um,I think my gifts(super powers) are my sense of humor,my protectiveness,loving motherly nature and my super sensitive intuition.

  2. I am pretty good with young children. They like to do crafts and explore their talents and I am there along side them helping them with what they like.

  3. You are right when you say we are taught to be humble..I don't like bragadoshish people who toot their own horn all the time. But, by the same token, I don't toot mine enough I suppose. I do not like to draw attention to myself, and would rather give it to those who enjoy it. I am hiding under the gifts
    pleasant friendly approachable personality, creative, this is trustworthy and responsible. phew..It would be easier for me to come up with a long list of the not so good qualities..Thank you for making me stop and think what is good about me, and I will as I move about smartly today....:)

  4. I just found your blog and I am a farmer (old)lady too. God has given me unbelievable gifts. The wisdom of experience, the joy of adventure (I'd try anything once),the necessity of frugality, and creativity from need.
    Now the child in me says, "Pick me. Pick me. Thats because I love gifts!"

  5. Okay, here goes... :-)
    My gifts are creativity, care, and cooking.
    Thanks for doing a great giveaway!

  6. Thy Hand- I love your blog, I just don't comment that often. But for a neat giveaway like this? Sure!

    I think some of my gifts from God are - organization, communicating with others and a sensitivity to others feelings.

    You made perfect sense, and yes, we should use our gifts from God to help give to others, it's like the parable of the talents, right? Thanks for the thoughts for the day, I always appreciate them!

  7. OK...mine are encouragement, faith and compassion.

  8. I have always had a gift of organization. I LOVE to organize my life (though with 3 small children, it's often UNorganized:) I think I'm also good at having compassion for others. When I was very little I would find a dying bug and try to fix it by putting bandaids on them and then when they died, I would bury them in a little matchbox coffin and have a funeral for them :) I like to help people and I consider this a gift... one that I am very grateful to have!

  9. My gift is faith. I am good at believing.

  10. My gifts are teaching, organization, and creativity on some levels, too.

  11. I agree, talking about my gifts does not come easy. I am hard working, compassionate, and encouraging.

  12. My gifts...I am very detail oriented and have been blessed with the gift of Faith (thank you, God).

  13. Hmmm. I think my primary gift is domesticity. (Is that a word?) Cooking, baking, housekeeping, gardening, knitting, sewing (or trying to!,)child-rearing. Or maybe I've just developed those talents by embracing God's place for me. And using those talents to do what I can for others. That's what I see as my gifts.

  14. I think mine are similar to yours: teaching, giving and compassion. I'm excited to see what we will be doing with those this week!

  15. I think mine are encouragement and compassion.

  16. My gifts are a listening ear, discernment, and cooking....all pretty easy to share if I remember take the time for others.

  17. My best friend told me last week, mine was being merciful/compassionate. I think she's right. I want folks to know they're loved, I never want anyone to feel left out(yucky feeling). I work to make sure everyone in the room is included, and relaxed if they're not 'into' what's going on. :)
    My best friend is also merciful & compassinate. I think that's why we get along so well.
    Thanks for asking everyone to share, it's nice to see what other's are blessed with, something to appreciate in others. it's nice to notice other ways to give & share. Thanks too for the opportunity to win AN UPHOLSTERED HEADBOARD(gift card towards! ) whew! yipppee!!

  18. I'm pretty good at reading people.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  19. OK- my gifts, mothering, homekeeping, sewing, scrapbooking and photography...

  20. First of all, I think I need the ladies with gift of organization to come and bless me with their gift. Just sayin'. :)

    Anyway, (and it is hard to actually think of our strengths and put them out there!) I tend to be pretty perceptive. I am aware of and sensitive to other people's thoughts, feelings, and needs. Acting on that awareness in a way God would have me do can be the challenging part.

  21. My gifts would be caring and patience.
    Thanks for having a great giveaway!

    hillaryanna at yahoo dot com

  22. This is not the easiest thing to do, but at least we can hide behind our computers! ;) Plus, it's totally worth it for this giveaway! I would have to sat that my gifts are that I am empathetic, I am good with children/adults with disabilities or challenges, and I am perseverent.


  23. Oooh, thanks for the great give-away! My gifts are creativity and teaching my kids. I'm also growing the gift of hospitality.

  24. I love teaching -esp. about real food.

  25. hmmm... my gifts are my ability to see multiple perspectives, trustworthy, responsible, and my ability to connect with and care for people that others struggle with

  26. My gifts are loyalty, organization, kindness and hospitality. That does take a lot of courage to write-thanks for inspiring us AND for the giveaway! :)

  27. I thrive on creating things. I love to create things for my family, mainly centered on teaching them about Christ and His teachings. I have a talent for organization, though you wouldn't know it from the looks of my desk right now! I think I am also perceptive to others' feelings. I enjoy listening and talking :)

  28. Organizing, compassion, (stole those from your list) and creativity...


  29. Gifts...hmm. This is hard. I think I have erased 4 or 5 times now. There have been many times when upset people have come though my office and I can get the calm within minutes; I suppose that could be called understanding and compassionate. Thanks for the opportunity to share!

  30. My gifts would be compassion, homekeeping and entertaining. I love cooking and fixing things for others.

  31. Hm...this is a difficult one. I would have to say I have administrative, organizational, and listening gifts.

  32. Two giftings that God has placed in me that I am most aware of here recently are, discernment and compassion.


  33. EEK! This is hard to put out there. I would say my gifts are...teaching, organizing and compassion.

  34. Gift of faith.
    Gift of sensitivity to others needs and feelings!
    I am working on the gift of patience which I thought I had until I had children! :)

  35. I would say I have a gift for getting along with many different types of people and being able to look at things from someone else's point of view. I also think I am good at multi-tasking, which is definitely a gift when homeschooling!!!

  36. My gifts are art, photography, teaching...I can't think of anymore right now.

  37. Hm. I tend to want to hide my "good things" under a bushel basket, as that way it's harder for people to be jealous, which means they are less likely to hate you, which is not a terribly pretty motivation. But my gifts are probably creativity, wanting to give (and wanting to have others have good things, rest in God's love, be free, and grow well), and enjoyment of people and the world.

    - M

  38. If I must, I guess I have the gift of hospitality and I can usually come up with a solution to fix/remake worn out or broken things. I grew up without extras so if we wanted something we had to make or remake without spending money. Maybe that isn't even a gift. Maybe it's a result of necessity being the mother of invention.

    Aunt V.

  39. I have the gift of hospitality, which I am still working on how to use with people that I don't know. I tend to be sensitive to other's feelings (compassion?) and I have a good sense of humor.

  40. I am a good teacher,I am musical and I am a good husband.I am pretty selfless and sensitive for a guy,I guess.LOL,this is weird!

  41. great giveaway!

    My gift is reading :)
    OK, that *can* be a gift to share. Other gifts: music, cooking, hospitality, creativity.

  42. Huh... It would be much easier writing about someone else's gifts, but since they should be mine, here they are: patience, compassion and optimism.

  43. making people feel at ease, speaking, organizing...not necessarily in that order. :)

  44. That's a hard thing to write about. Maybe the ability to think rationally, helping make people happy, and a little bit of artistic-ness in there somewhere.

  45. People say I am easy to talk to. Strangers, friends of my children, whoever.

    I have an awesome gut instinct. I mean it's amazing. When I don't follow it I absolutely regret it.

    I can often (but not always) communicate and reach people's hearts. Even in public speaking.

    So I guess what all of these have in common, and I am just this very minute realizing it, is I am able to trust myself and connect well with other people.

  46. Aww, you make it difficult :)

    Guess mine would be organization (though right now my house is NOT good proof of that), cooking, sewing, I don't know...this is sounding more like a hobby list. Oh, and I agree with Judi, who said she thought she was patient until the kiddos came along. Whew, they wear me down mighty fast!

  47. My gifts seem to be writing/working with words, teaching/working with people, and worship. Thanks for your blog. The baked oatmeal is amazing, and the encouragement to place one's fiscal survival/flourishing under God's care is much appreciated. :)

  48. Sorry if this came through computer was having issues! I've always struggled when it comes to defining my gifts but your post and the other comments have been very helpful. My gifts are compassion, a heart for children in need, cooking, being a wife and being a mom.

  49. My gifts? Writing, cooking, teaching, and drinking coffee.

  50. I love teaching children. I think my gifts may include that. I also enjoy hosting people. My husband is a great host and his love for people has helped me develop my gift! I've been really enjoying your blog. lovemylittlefamily @yahoo .com

  51. I think I have the gift of tenacity. Althought it can also be a stumbling point...I find it helps me learn new things, and follow through on those that sometimes can be a struggle.

  52. Wow - my talents from God are showing mercy, encouragement (which I know I need to do more often, me and God are working on that one), and crochet. I love to bless a new Mom with a crocheted baby item or two :-)

  53. Piano, flute, gardening, patience, adventurous

  54. Compassion, understanding, discernment.

  55. I think one of my gifts is learning - I pick things up quickly.

  56. I think one of my gifts is that I am very empathetic. Sometimes to the point that I think I feel others' pain more so than they do. It has made me an extremely caring person though.

  57. I like how you tied this giveaway into making us think about our gifts. It is hard yet God told us to use our gifts not hide them or be scared to speak them. Satan can use all the "humble attitudes" to keep us from using our gifts for God! So thanks for the post!

    A gift of mine is peacemaking. People have told me various times when I started working with a group, things became more peaceful.

  58. I think my gifts are being trustworthy, loyal and orderly.

    Thanks. Christy

  59. God has been gracious to give me the gift of making things beautiful - through creativity in many forms. Isn't He good to give each one of us our own unique gifts?

  60. My gifts are my family (immediate and extended), our health, and my friends. The most important gift of all is that Jesus died and lived again for me (my family, and friends).

  61. My gifts are teaching young children, singing and sewing. I also pretty good at organizing.

  62. My gift is multi tasking! :)
    I can blog, talk on the phone, Talk to freinds on yahoo. and keep my kids straight

  63. My gifts (again, as you say, humbly) include writing, helping others, organizing, and helping people laugh! :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  64. My gifts include being a really good listener, remembering the little things and still embracing being silly!

  65. Not an easy task :)

    I'm pretty organized and I have talent on the piano. I like to think that I am structured and a good leader.

  66. My Gifts are being honest, loyal, helpful, caring, genuine, modest, and if luck is a gift then I have a heap full of it to, a beautiful family and peace.

  67. This is hard. I would say mine our compassion, and forgiveness.

  68. I like helping people! My husband says I have "sucker" written on my forehead. I work with children of all ages about 12 hours a day 5 days a week. Love to get my family together for game night and cook breakfast or dinner every weekend.

  69. My gifts; responsibility, compassion and love

  70. I believe my gifts include compassion, loyalty, multi-tasking and the ability to organize anything! Thanks for the fun giveaway chance.

    xmaswoman at hotmail dot com

  71. I think my gifts are the ability to listen well and forgive.

  72. wearing my heart on my sleeve. It means I am always real-which I believe is a gift-but not everyone agrees!
    Faith from VA

  73. My gift is patience. I give a whole new meaning to the old phrase "have the patience of Job".

  74. My gifts, listening, and loving!

  75. I would say that my gifts are compassion, mothering and speaking! :)

  76. I think I have the gift of encouragement!

    feh79 at yahoo dot com

  77. I am a great organizer and I tend to be patient.

  78. I'd say loyalty is my top gift along with being able to step into an activity or event and immediately be able to handle whatever needs to be done. I work well in stress. :)

  79. I have a good sense of humor and I make people smile

  80. I think my gift is being kind and easy to get along with.
    curliegirlie03 at gmail dot com

  81. My gifts are organizing, loyalty, and being a great listener.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  82. My gifts have variety: I bake pies.I enjoy canning season. I quilt - a lot completed by long arm machine. I can make something out of not much. I love my family- at times too much. And I keep trying, perhaps when I should give up but can't.

  83. It took me a long time to realize it, but my gift is empathy.

    nblexp at gmail dot com

  84. My biggest gift is my ability to see the good in life.

  85. My greatest gift is that I love lifting people's spirits. Paula C.

  86. My gifts...God blessed me with a lovely family and two gorgeous children and unruly curly hair LOL He gave me the gift of patience and stubborness and the ability to create a great meal or sketch a nice drawing for my kids. Tx for the giveaway!

    wendyhines at hotmail dot com

  87. My gifts are caring, sharing and putting my family first :)

    tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com

  88. What a great idea. We chose "Don't hide your light under a bushel basket" for the Gospel reading at our wedding. I thank the Lord for the many gifts of an introvert (not to be confused with shy :)...the gifts of compassion, honesty, perception, loyalty, service to my family, forgiveness, and patience.

  89. Gosh This is so akward to write.

    My gifts are trying to be the mediator when two people disagree - even if there is one person I actually agree with I try to get everyone to see things from the other persons point of view. I guess that makes me more of a peace maker - I hate when situations are tense so I usually try to smooth things over with everyone.

    My other gift I guess is that i'm really nice. Although it has caused me to be taken advantage of at times, I just can't help it.

  90. I think my gifts are organizing, creativity, and thoughtfulness! scg00387 at yahoo dot com

  91. I am a kick butt mama, and I can make friends with anyone. Even the most hard-hearted people like me!

  92. I hope my gifts are understanding and guiding my kids. I think I'm good at that and I pray I am.
    I also have a good sense of humor and a love for tackling a problem.

  93. I have to confess...I teared up when reading this post. I tend to forget sometime that I have gifts, and just have to be reminded. I know I have the gift of love because I share it in so many different ways with those I come in contact with. I have the gift of listening because I am always there for my friends when they need to vent. I have the gift of compassion because I tend to feel for others who are hurting and include them in my prayers. I can't seem to go on with this at this time....tears flood my eyes. God Bless You.

    dancejamboree at gmail dot com

  94. I still never know quite how to answer this question. But I *think* I am gifted in music ministry and hospitality. piano_girl97(at)yahoo(dot)com

  95. Oh man, this is hard! My gifts are: being a good mother, and a good friend. I am also very empathetic to other's.
    Lona728@ yahoo dot com

  96. My gifts? Hospitality, listening, and kindness I suppose are my greatest gifts.

    Thanks for offering this giveaway.

  97. My gift is that of patience and caring with children and animals.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  98. My gifts, such as they are, would be creativity, curiosity, and kindness

  99. My gifts would be: Compassion, understanding and problem solving :)

  100. My gifts are teaching, encouraging and compassion. And thanks to you and your blog, we now are trying our hand at raising a small group of hens. :) Love reading your blog and learning how you freeze your harvest from the garden. We garden as well! Thanks so much for all you do!!

  101. Just found your blog and love your take on simplicity! I think I have a gift of being a good listener.

  102. My gifts are compassion, caring, and teaching. Thanks so much! leandrea246(at)hotmail(dot)com

  103. Encouragement and affirmation. I like to give them and receive them, too ;-)
    Chelsea M

  104. I think my gifts are writing, organization, persistence and compassion (gosh ... sounds like someone I would want to know ... lol). :)

    reducefootprints at gmail dot com

  105. Boy, I could write paragraphs on my weaknesses, but my gifts... I learn quickly and God has gifted me with a love of learning. I've also been gifted with strong faith, adventurous nature and boldness.

  106. I am lucky, I have been given many gifts. I have the gift of knowing when complete strangers need help. I have the gift of compassion, patience, and acceptance.

  107. I don't want to brag on myself but I've always been told that I'm a good listener. Just giving someone a little bit of your time and ear can help them toward healing.

  108. Of course for fun I want to enter ;)

  109. My gifts would be creativity, business sense and loving my kids :)


  110. I think my gifts are my craftiness & baking skills :)

  111. well, what a difficult question to answer... my gifts are compassion and cooking

  112. My gifts would be healing and caring.
    Thanks for having a great giveaway.

    tahearn at roadrunner dot com

  113. Hmmm... I would say that my gifts include teaching, writing, using logical reasoning, learning foreign languages, and baking awesome chocolate chip cookies!

  114. My gift can be a great asset or my biggest's all in the "details." Being detailed oriented can be a possitive or taken too far can become sinful perfectionism and/or legalistic in nature.

  115. My gifts are patience and empathy

  116. Hmm My gifts. I'm really great at being indecisive and skeptical, and can get obsessive over the silliest things. I'm told I'm a good listener and I enjoy laughter. ....Tiffypoot @ (

  117. creativity
    loyal friend


  118. I'm always honest.

    jennyjoz24 (at)

  119. Organization, Thriftiness, Boldness, Love

  120. My gifts are teaching, cooking, baking, and I am very compassionate.


Just a friendly reminder, if you know me personally please try to refrain from using my name. There are those who may try to locate me, break into my pantry and steal my pickled beets. Thanks:-).

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