
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Window on the World

Last year I wrote a homeschooling post at the end of each month summarizing what we had fun studying.  I don't think that's going to happen this year.  At least not is such organized fashion.  But I definitely will still be sharing because I love reading about what others love about school and I'm just going to go ahead and assume that you do, too.

I am absolutely smitten and impressed with several of our school books this year.  The first one I want to tell you about is Window on the World by Daphne Spraggett with Jill Johnstone.  Each chapter introduces you and your child to a different people group.  It highlights parts of a map to show you where the group lives, tells you about them (often through conversations involving children) and then...get gives you ideas of what you can thank God for relating to this people group and how you can pray for them.  I had no idea a book like this existed.  This book also includes sections on six major world religions.

Let's back up a second and talk about "people groups".  You know how in the Bible it says at the end of Matthew (28:19), "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..." ?  Well, when we read the word "nations", we often think of nation states or countries, right?  Well, the original Greek word is "ethne" and is more completely translated as "an ethnic or cultural people group".  This is the Greek word that we get our English word "ethnic" from.  So, Jesus is not talking about countries in this verse, He is talking about people groups- a group of people who share a distinct language and culture (as well as specific social, economic, and geographical traits).


There are many more people groups than there are countries and we need to be aware of that so we can understand the scriptures properly- so we know not only what Jesus was talking about at the end of Matthew, but also what He was referring to when He said in Matthew 24:14, "And this good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the world, as a testimony to all the nations; and then the end will come."  I've let on before that I want to be a part of this.  This book is showing us how to pray for these other people groups!  Can you tell I'm a little bit excited about it?

The kids and I have looked into the eyes and faces of peoples we never knew existed.  Oh, it's so amazing how we can love people we've never met!  More than once, I have bawled my through our closing prayer after reading a chapter- particularly the chapter on street children.  The kids can't help but stare at me instead of closing their eyes.  Some good conversations have followed our reading of this book.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to get to know and pray for people throughout the world.  You don't have to homeschool or even have children.  This is a powerful tool for prayer and will open our eyes to the world beyond our little towns and culture.

At least that's what I hope it will do for our kids.


  1. Wow! I love this! I think my husband and I may purchase it for ourselves, even though we don't have kids yet! Then someday, God willing, we can share it with our children while homeschooling! It sounds fabulous! Our church just had missions night yesterday, and I think God is really showing me a lot in this area!! Thanks for sharing!
    - AFG
    Megan Jenelle

  2. Thank you for sharing this! We starting using Window on the World last year ... and it changed the way we think ... and ultimately, I pray it changes the way we live. It is definitely one of those books that will influence what values I intill in my kids. Another great book I think you would love is Material World, A Global Family Portrait. You can find it on Amazon or you can also find it at If you have a chance, check it out - you'll love it if you like WOW. Have a blessed day!

  3. Stephanie, We have Material World, too, and you're right- it's a great book. It supplements Window on the World nicely:-).

  4. What a great book! I'd like to read it myself! I have always thought the Peruvian culture was so colorful and rich even though life is hard. I am touched by the first photo, as well...the woman sitting with her baskets and her wares for sale. A little pile of beans...a few cucumbers...a few onions...what little she has just to make a bit to feed her family. Amazing. We are a spoiled, spoiled nation....

  5. That books sounds so very awesome! I applaud your decision to homeschool, and my son and I tried (we managed 6 weeks....). I admire anybody who can homeschool, and make it work. I also thank God everyday for the fact that - even though it wouldn't be possible in my situation now to homeschool anyway - that the school system in our small county is such a wonderful one, full of wonderful Christian teachers and administrators.

  6. This IS an amazing book, I agree wholeheartedly! We are on our second time through it. I use it as part of our morning Bible study.


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