
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Little Orley Stories, Revisted

 This giveaway is closed.  See who won here!

Way back in February, I introduced you to Little Orley Stories and was able to give a CD away to a reader thanks to Red Hen Books & Toys where you can find many truly unique educational toys.  (They have a little something special for us again- make sure to read the entire post!)

Christmas is approaching and while many of us are trying to cut down on the amount we spend this time of year, we also want ideas for meaningful gifts for those children in our lives who we still plan to get gifts for.  A gift that encourages the imagination in fun and wholesome ways is the kind of gift I know many of us hope to find.

I would like to offer the Little Orley Stories CDs again as an option for this kind of gift.  The other day, Sadie was listening to our Little Orley CDs (again) and the thought occurred to me that some of you might like to be reminded of these highly entertaining stories.

Here's an excerpt from my February post...

"These stories were created and narrated by Hugh "Lumpy" Brannum (also know as "Uncle Lumpy") for a radio program in the late 1940's. I know about these treasures because my dad and his brother listened to these weekly radio programs when they were boys. Hugh Brannum went on to join the cast of Captain Kangaroo as Mr. Green Jeans.

 Uncle Lumpy is on the left.

The Little Orley Stories tell of the amazing adventures of a little boy on his farm. The stories are narrated in many different voices with instrumental accompaniment. We have all the CDs and the children LOVE them. At the end of each story is often a little lesson or moral, some quite amusing. These stories are wholesome, entertaining (some told in rhyme) and often very funny- even for adults. They are a fun listen for all ages."


There are three Little Orley Stories CDs (Little Orley Stories, More Little Orley Stories and Little Orley Radio Shows)- all carried by Red Hen Books and Toys.  Hop over to their website and listen to a sampling of the stories.

The good folks over at Red Hen Books and Toys will be gifting one Little Orley CD (of the winner's choice) to one lucky commenter.   For a chance to win, please go on over to their website and browse around.  They have fascinating products over there that I've never seen before.  Then, come back here and tell me what product intrigues you the most in the comments. 

Please, only one entry per household.  Please leave your name or initial if you comment anonymously.  If you have trouble commenting, please email me your comment ( and I will post it for you.  I'll choose a winner sometime on Friday afternoon!

"That's all!" -Uncle Lumpy

I did not receive anything from anyone for writing this post.  I wrote it because we love Little Orley.


  1. I think my kids would get a kick out of the Brix toys, where you make your own bricks and mortar them together. Especially the castle set. I might have to get these Little Orley cds--Arwen loves falling asleep to books/stories on tape. Sounds like they'd be good for road trips, too. Thanks for the giveaway.

  2. I like all of their educational block sets...I don't think I can decide on a favorite!

  3. I had totally forgotten about this - thanks for the reminder! My girls have listened to the online sample and seemed to really enjoy it (as did I). The CD would make a great gift under the Christmas tree! We would choose "Little Orley Stories CD". Thanks for the opportunity!

  4. I'm sticking with Lil' grew up on it and I still don't have them for my kids. Some of the things I saw over there look like good Montessori materials, which I have heard of, but the Froebel stuff is new. The Archimedes puzzle looked interesting...I'd like to take a shot at solving that.

  5. I just recently found your blog and am really enjoying it! Thanks, Susan

  6. the BRIX Farm Construction Set looks really neat! what a great giveaway. we love our books on tape. i had forgotten about the old radio shows.

  7. Do I have to pick just one thing? You are right, I've never seen some of those products. I kind of like the dado planks. I think I would have a lot of fun with those, maybe more than the kids!

  8. What a neat website! I definitely found some Christmas ideas for my little guys...that said, I would love the "Little Orley" cd's!

    ~Chelsea W

  9. I think i just logged off before my answer uploaded. If I have already posted just delete this! I want to follow the rules :)

    I thought the Brix castle looked like a blast. This could be a great buy for next summer...a good project for my 8 year old boy.

  10. The art boards and some of the craft supplies would be great for my little girl. But really, the radio show CD's sound like such fun, I would love to get those for her!

  11. ALL! Thanks for sharing I'm going to have to check this out for Christmas gifts!

  12. I was impressed with all the geometry toys they have. They take educational toys to a whole new level. I love how open ended all their toys are too.

  13. Loving the Dado Planks! My older son is really into legos but I'm always afraid of my little choking. These building blocks look like the perfect size and shape to not be swallowed:)

  14. I like the 3-D puzzles. I used to nanny for a family that collected 3-D puzzles and I had the best times putting them together with the kids. I never knew where they found theirs. Red hen is a great toy site. Thanks for sharing.

  15. All the books looked intriguing, but especially the art books! Both books by Cathy Topal appealed to me, but especially the "Beautiful Stuff". Thanks for the offer!

  16. Those story CDs are great! I used to get older radio programs on CD for my Grandpa - they were what he remembered listening to as a boy and he loved being able to listen again! With a little builder on my hands, I love the Zome Construction Kit, but I think my boys would appreciate the stories, too. Thanks for the opportunity!

  17. I'm intrigued by the construction sets. I think my 7 AND 10 year old would both enjoy working on them.
    And they both listen to stories as they fall asleep.

  18. Thanks for the referral to the wonderful website. I loved all the construction sets and the folding circle paper books. The Little Orley CDs would make a wonderful gift! Thanks.

  19. What a fun giveaway! They have so many neat looking things...will be checking back on their site! The folding circle books look amazing.

    thebeckery AT yahoo DOT com

  20. The Geometric Paper Models! How cool all of their Geometry learning products are, my son attends Montessori and many of the products look similar to his class jobs!

  21. We would definatly have fun with the crazy forts building toy!

  22. Thanks for the great gift ideas. I did look around the website. I think I too would go with the Little Orley CD's. They would be great for our commute!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I like their construction toys!!


  25. Thanks to you, we love the Orley CD's. They are our lunchtime companions. We have two and hope to win the third! If not, Santa might have to :)! I spent some time looking at the more advanced puzzles that looked interesting for when our kiddos are a bit older.


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