Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What to Plant, What to Plant...?

You might remember that last year my brother planted a 40 x 70 foot plot of sunflowers in our yard (with our permission).

Then my brother moved away (with our blessing).

The white building was an old brooding house (now Jamey's workshop) and the non-painted building behind it is the chicken house.

So this year, we're left with a big planting bed of sorts (that's beginning to show signs of weed infestation).  We're excited about the idea of continuing to grow something here so we won't have to mow this large portion of yard but have yet to settle on what that something will be.

If you had a large plot of yard that needed planting, what would you plant?  Not that we need ideas or anything.  Oh, no.  We're doing just fine trying to figure this out on our own.  We wouldn't want anyone to think we don't have our act together.  (You're buying this, right?) Pin It


  1. Do you have any fruit trees or berry bushes? They take up a lot of space, and would be perfect to fill an empty plot of land you are trying to use productively. I'm assuming you already have a garden area. If I were you, if you don't have berry bushes, I'd plant a bunch of those (like blueberries or raspberries), whatever grows well in your area. Hope that helps :)

  2. you don't want to recreate the sunflower bed?

    I would put in a cutting garden (zinnias, multiple sunflower varieties, dahlias) and sell roadside bouquets.

    deb meyers

  3. I would plant wheat...apparently you can grow enough wheat to make a loaf of bread a day on a surprisingly small area of land. (Can't remember the exact lot size...but I remember being surprised!)

  4. Corn! (I know how you feel about it...) It grows best in a large square or rectangular plot. A few rows of corn never produce well in my experience. I would KILL (figuratively) for a plot just for corn. Even if you don't care for fresh eating corn you could grow popcorn or ornamental corn for fall decorations and grinding into meal. :D

  5. Well, I am a big potato fan, so that is what I would recommend if you are looking for only one thing to plant. Just wonderful sunflower patch, what did you do with them all?

  6. I would plant a variety of (experimental?) dry beans. Think how cool it would be if you had a supply of kidney, black turtle, cattle, yellow eye or navy beans to cook with all winter!

  7. Watermelons! Pumpkins! Something sprawling that you can sell roadside and make some extra money! And give you free seeds in return.

  8. Looks like a great place for pumpkins or squash.:)

  9. We would simply plant corn and green beans. Staples in our house and great to put up for later whether you can, freeze, or dehydrate it. :-)

  10. farmgal,
    He set up a little stand and sold them at the end of our driveway:-).

  11. A huge patch of sweet corn? Popcorn? Green something or other to till under and enrich the soil for the next year when you have your act together?

  12. As much as I LOVED the sunflowers, I agree that a grain would be a fun experiment - spelt, wheat, etc. or the fruit trees would give you food long term. Probably the wisest choice, and pretty, too! I love it when the fruit trees bloom in the spring around here.
    Have fun deciding!

  13. How fun! Getting to plan and think about all of the possibilities is a big part of the excitement. I would have to say watermelon, pumpkins, something of that nature. Then you could sell the extras. Everyone always wants watermelon and pumpkins!

  14. I would do raspberries, but I have heard that about wheat. You can grow a supply for your family in a surprisingly small space.

  15. I would have to say wheat as well. I don't know much about growing it in small amounts, but it would be a fun thing to try and very interesting to see how much wheat you could get for making flour...and bread of course!


  16. Pumpkin Patch... You could try growing a ginormous pumpkin!

  17. For large plots, mix it up: corn with sunfloweres and beans trellised up the stalks; or pumpkins or melons with zinnias popping up through the vines.
    There are so many wonderful ideas posted already!

  18. I would plant either a big pumpkin patch or a huge cutting garden...either of which would be a great roadside selling item! My mom was wondering what you would be selling at the roadside this year. :-)

  19. I vote for sweet corn...surrounded by pumpkins to keep the raccoons out!

    Or sunflowers again.

    Or just seed it to wildflowers and let the kids enjoy it!

  20. Pumpkins and watermelons.................Robin in SoCal

  21. I agree with wheat (if you really can grow it in a small space.) I just rea that a 30x10 spot makes enough wheat for 2 loaves of bread?? Seriously? I have no clue! But I'd research it and find out the truth.
    If it doesnt' get too hot there in the summer my 2nd would be raspberries. We grow them in a 20x20 garden area and they are FANTASTIC! The kids love going in and eating them...jam...jellies...sauces...oh the possibilities!! :)


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