Thursday, September 8, 2011

Take Them A Meal

I know many churches are good at taking meals to families when they have a baby or need meal support for other reasons, but I can't help but think of the Mennonite church we attended for over a decade when it comes to meals.  We had all three of our babies while attending that church and we were lavished with meals.  Incredible meals.  If my memory serves me correctly, for each child we brought home, we were brought meals for 4 plus weeks (2-3 times a week).  Talk about a blessing.  I don't know which I was more excited about, the newborn or the break from meal preparation.

Just kidding.


Many of you have probably played the role of meal coordinator for families at your own church or within your circle of friends when a baby was born, someone was struggling with health issues or there was a death in a family.  It was a labor of love that wasn't very laborious considering what the families that needed the meals were going through, but still.  There was organizing the schedule, getting folks to sign up, passing along food allergies or preferences, preferred times of delivery (depending on work schedules) and then relaying what days the family could expect meals so they would know how to plan their week.


Sometime between Sadie and Miriam, I believe, a website was created that does all this for you, the meal coordinator {for free}.  Goodness!  The family needing the meals could quick as a wink set this up for themselves.  Wait.  A.  Minute.  I'm thinking through an  That would be dishonest.  Right.  Back to the website.

It's called Take Them A Meal and it's super easy to set up.  First you click on "Create a Schedule" and enter the minimal information required to set things up.

The schedule will be created based on your specifications including how many times per week meals are requested, etc.  Then, you just email out the link to the website along with the last name of the person/family who will be getting the meals and the password you've chosen for the schedule (See above).

When someone visits the website, they just enter in the family's last name and the password, are taken to the schedule, and can reserve a particular meal slot.  The person who set up the schedule as well as the family can visit the site as often as they wish to check on things for planning purposes.

It's such a simple idea, but I must applaud those who set it up- pure genius.  Spread the word fellow meal-takers and enjoy!

I was not asked to write about (or compensated in anyway by) Take Them A Meal.  I just think it's awesome.
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  1. We used this several months ago when a gal at our church had a baby. I was blown away that such a site existed.

  2. My church uses Take Them A Meal. Love it!

  3. Aw, no more lasagna three times in a row? I do love the tradition of taking meals. Such a simple act of service.

  4. We use Meal train at our church and MOPs group. I love this organizational tool... plus, it helps to make sure the toddler will be eating with us or on his own depending on what people are bringing. :)

  5. We attend a Mennonite church and it is the same way here! We got meals for a full month after our babies! What a blessing! This website looks amazing. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Thank you for your wonderful description of our site. We're so glad that you've found the site to be a helpful tool as you care for others. It's a small world because I just encountered your site a few weeks ago. I canned many of our tomatoes using your tomato sauce recipe. It's great to have the sauce on hand when you need to prepare a last minute meal for a friend.


  7. I've also used Meal Train (and am bringing a new mom a meal tonight actually!) The coolest part about (either) website is the fact that you can see what other people are bringing so the family doesn't end up with spaghetti 4 nights in a row. AND the family doesn't have to do the awkward coversation of "What should we bring you to eat? What haven't you had this week?" And going through the list of allergies/dislikes is way simpler than trying to remember what someone said on the phone.


  8. That is so great!!!
    When my 4th child was born the ladies at church provided about 2 weeks of meals and that was such a blessing for my family! I'll never forget it.
    Thanks for sharing this..... very cool!

  9. Hi, can you please re-add my listing to your Etsy favorites gadget? I took some new photos. :D

    And a giveaway in November sounds great! Perfect for Christmas cards...

    Thanks again! - Liz

  10. Takethemameal is wonderful and so is their sister site - if you want a planned potluck.

  11. I was just able to use this for a friend (on bedrest trying to keep twins in). Thanks for the referral!

  12. good to know - my church used "mealbaby" for the last round of baby meals.


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