Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wholemovement: Folding the Circle Giveaway!

 This giveaway is closed.  To see who won, go here.

What do cheap paper plates, bobby pins, masking tape and a straight edge (like a metal ruler) have in common?  With them, you can make objects like these....

We didn't get quite that far, but Sam and I really enjoyed watching the Wholemovment: Folding the Circle DVD we were given to preview.  Talk about combining a craft with math!  Bradford Hansen-Smith himself talks about the different aspects of the circle including the radius and diameter and the concepts of congruent shapes and even fractions as he turns just an ordinary paper plate into something mathematical.   For real, I don't think I'm ever going to look at a white paper plate at a picnic the same ever again.  Then the fun part begins- he shows you how to fold paper plates into three-dimensional structures.

  We went a little crazy with the masking tape and Sam is still learning to use the straight edge properly to crease the edges neatly.

Sam is almost 9 years old and he was able to do many of the initial folds himself, creating a tetrahedron and then an octahedron out of eight tetrahedrons.  Don't I sound smart?  Really, I'm not.  I promise.  Talking math just makes me sound smart.  It's a trick.  I can't wait, though, for Christmas break (when I have more time) so that *I* can sit down and do more folding- just wait until you see all the amazing objects you're able to create.

I'm happy to announce that Red Hen Toys & Books wants to give one of you a copy of this DVD.  It would make a very unique Christmas gift for a creative child (10 and up would be my recommendation) or grown up in your life.


For a Chance to Win the DVD: 

Visit the Wholemovement website and look around a bit.  Then, come back here and tell me what intrigues you about this concept of folding circles.  That's it!

Please only one entry per household.  If you comment anonymously, please leave me some initials so I can identify you if you win.  If you have trouble commenting, please email me and I will enter your comment for you.  I will draw a winner on Friday afternoon!

To Obtain a Coupon Code to get the DVD for $10 versus $29.99 (shipping not included):

1) "Like" the Wholemovement facebook page here.  Check out the cool videos while you're there.

2) Write on the Wholemovent facebook page's wall that you came from here (Thy Hand Hath Provided) and you will get a facebook message which will include the coupon code to purchase the DVD at the discounted price at Red Hen Books & Toys!

Feel free to enter and become a facebook fan of Wholemovent so you'll have the code to use if you don't win on Friday:-). Pin It


  1. My oldest daughter loves origami and I know she's going to really enjoy this as well. I love how it forces you to look at shapes differently than we've ever been taught. It's definitely going to stretch my mind a little!! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. I love that my grandkids can take just a few items in the car for the long drive to see me and be so creative. It would provide hours of quiet!! I think I will be exploring this site more for when they are at my house visiting! Thanks for always introducing us to such unique ideas!

  3. What intrigues me about this is that I could actually DO it. I may not understand it, but I could DO it!!

  4. Dusting that shelf of paper objects would sure be a pain!

    I know some kids who would really like this!

  5. I LOVE THIS!! In some of my classes I've been learning how to combine creativity with other subjects, just like this that you've shared. This is so cool! I bet I could incorporate this into my future special ed class...everyone likes to make cool stuff! Thank you for sharing...

  6. I just Liked their Facebook page too...this looks way too fun. AND...affordable. Which is so key in education...budget is always such an issue.

  7. Wow, cool concept and site! I am intrigued that this could entertain for hours with a few inexpensive items. The possibilities are limitless!

  8. I am thinking that my father, who majored in chemical engineering in college and is very into math, would have a blast fiddling with this along wtih my 9yo son . . . I think all of the things you can make look really cool, but I don't know if I would have the patience to deal wtih the math behind it!

  9. We homeschool, and this seems like a great way to introduce shapes and dimension and make the learning process even more fun. My nephew is a developing artist, and I think he also would enjoy this method of exploring another "facet" of circles. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity and the option of a discount, just in case....


  10. Wow! I think my son and I could have some fun with this! Thanks for a chance to win.


  11. Fascinating! I never thought of the circle as the most "experiential" and "comprehensive" tool we have. I would love this DVD!

  12. Looks so amazing! It's fun to see what one can do with a humble circle of paper.

  13. I can't believe how creative (and patient) some people are! I would love to be able to do this stuff!!

  14. I'll come back later to do this,any gifts I can give that won't cost much this Christmas plus I'm still looking for the book you suggested a long time ago that my grandson would love but Ive been looking at 1/2 price book stores "This Side Of The Mountain"

  15. WOW...this would be right up my son's alley. This seems like a great-hands-on exploration of geometry. Can't wait to check it out!!

  16. I am always entrigued by folding! Amazing are the minds that originate these patterens! Speaking of folding, you should see this on my blog:

    - I was addicted for a couple weeks. they are so pretty and easy and children can do it, too. I'd like this Wholemovement DVD!

  17. I'm so used to the concept of folding squares. Circles would be a unique challenge. This would be a great gift for my nephew who is in that "bored with everything" stage. I think it would peak his interest. :)

  18. That is so cool! My 13yo son is into Origami and this falls right in with that...and with a math emphasis. A homeschool mom's dream! lol

    Melissa K.

  19. I love that it makes math so kinesthetic. How frequently do we turn to pencil and paper for something that can be so much more engaging through experience?


Just a friendly reminder, if you know me personally please try to refrain from using my name. There are those who may try to locate me, break into my pantry and steal my pickled beets. Thanks:-).

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