Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Baby Number Four

First, we had Sam.  Three years later, Sadie.  Three and a half years later, Miriam.  Three and a half years later brings us to here and now and I'm happy to announce that I've given birth a fourth time.

To a cookbook.  (Granted, this is not as exciting as an actual baby, of course, but stick with me....)

At least it's felt somewhat like giving birth anyway.  Less pain.  More anxiety (my heart is racing even as I write this). Similar sleepless nights.  The process even took nine months.  Instead of asking, "How will this baby fit into our life?" I've been asking, "Is anyone actually going to buy it?"

But then it arrived.  And I was glad to have it in my own hands, for my own use, if for no other reason.  As much as I love searching for recipes online, I really prefer cooking and baking out of a cookbook.  I don't like using my computer in the kitchen because I'm always afraid I'll spill something on it and the screensaver constantly kicks in.  I also dislike using paper and printer ink, so I usually chicken-scratch the recipe on a scrap of paper and, well....sometimes my scratch is a little hard to read.  And sometimes I lose that scrap of paper.

It was a whole lot of work but I didn't tackle this project alone.  I had two wonderful "midwives".  Not only do they do incredible work, but they handled me (sometimes nervous and sometimes scattered-brained) with grace and friendship.  So thank you, Kathy and Mary Jo.  You two are awesome!

Self-publishing a book means I have no one to promote it on my behalf.  So, here's where I ask you a huge favor.  If you don't mind...and if you have the time...and if it wouldn't put you out too much...would you all help me spread the word?  If you blog, would you consider blogging about it?  If you tweet, could you tweet your big heart out?  If you pin, would you pin it please?  If you're on facebook, could you help spread the word there (keeping my personal information personal if you know it- I use a pen name)?

I would be so very, totally, and incredibly grateful.

Without further ado... click here for pictures and the details! 

I hope you love it.  I really do. Pin It


  1. Oh my... can't wait. I just e-mailed the woodsman with the link to tell him that I finally have one idea on my Christmas list! Now, I'm really ready for Christmas to be here so I can cook from your wonderful book. Do you know how much easier dinner is going to be when I don't have to run to your blog every night? Phew! Congratulations! Yes, I'll absolutely promote it.

  2. I feel honored that you asked me to be a part of the process of birthing your 4th baby! :-) Congratulations on this milestone!

  3. Hooray!!! I'm SO glad you didn't listen to me! :-) I have blogged about your "baby" and will share it on FB when I get the opportunity.

    I must say it was dreadfully wicked of you to mislead us about your giving birth. I was SO EXCITED for you for a few minutes there!

    1. Thank you so much! And I'm so sorry I teased. Please forgive me?:-)

  4. Yeah! I love your recipes and wisdom in canning! I blogged about and I hope you sell many! Thanks!

  5. Congratulations, Jane! I know you have worked so hard on this! I have held this cookbook in my hands and it is beautiful - so many delicious recipes and helpful information. I can't wait to own a copy for myself!

  6. Congratulations! The new cookbook looks beautiful! I published a book last year, and yes, it is a huge endeavor~~ but so worth it. Good job!

  7. Hello! I've been following you for a short period of time now and was touched in my spirit by "living simply in order to give." I can't say that I am totally "living simply", but I am much more aware now. I'm very excited about your cookbook and look forward to spending some quiet time with a cup of tea, thumbing through. May the Lord richly bless you and yours as you continue to faithfully serve Him.

  8. Jane!!!!!! YES!! I am totally excited for you--and for me, as now I can stop hand-copying recipes from your site. Mine is already ordered, and now I have a gift idea for a beloved sister in law as well. I don't blog or tweet, but I'll spread the word as I can. I am completely proud of you. :-)

    1. AmyD, Thanks for your excitement, for your order and for spreading the word:-)!

  9. ...oh, I suppose I can forgive you... ;-D

  10. I'm a friend fo Kathy and just popped in to see ... so exciting! Being in the process of doing a cookbook as well,
    I can relate to the giving birth thing... all the way to the (baby) cookbook tummy!

    1. Thank you, Anneliese! And thank you for adding the cookbook tummy analogy. I love it:-).

  11. That's absolutely fantastic. Good for you. I'm glad I have your recipes to feed my family :) Well done!!

  12. Now I can add "midwife" to my resume! It was a joy working with you on this project! Blessings as you see the fruits of your "labor" :)

  13. I received my copy of your cookbook today. In short, it is awesome. Such an incredible breadth of recipes; from hummus to basic pizza dough. I have not done any canning before, and I am a little less intimated after perusing that section. The book is professionally finished. It is a great value for the price. Congratulations on such an achievement. I'm inspired!

    1. Thank you! I am so very happy you are pleased with it:-).


Just a friendly reminder, if you know me personally please try to refrain from using my name. There are those who may try to locate me, break into my pantry and steal my pickled beets. Thanks:-).

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