Friday, November 30, 2012

Thoughtful Gifts Related to Taking Meals to Others

Did you know that Take Them A Meal (.com) has a blog in addition to their meal organization site?

Well, they do and today I'm so pleased to have my cookbook included in their "Our 9 Favorite Gifts" post.  You'll want to check it out seeing as the ideas are all food-related and very thoughtful! Pin It


  1. Awesome list...congratulations for being on it!

  2. nice,I wanted to ask you about a book I want to buy f or my 9 year old grandson and if you heard of it,The Boxcar Children Beginning The Aldens of Fair Meadow Farm,thanks if you have

    1. Hi, Judy! Our kids love and read The Box Car Children series (the original, older series), but I had not heard of this new one. It looks like it's about the childrens' life before they lost their parents. Let me know if you get it and like it. And blessings to you this Advent, Judy. Give my love to your family:-).

  3. Hey,thanks for sharing.I've admired cookbook author Jane Bryan and her culinary aptitudes for quite a while.She grows the greater part she could call her own food and is an energetic canner.What makes her stand out is the way that she really uses all the food she places up (in either the wash room or the freezer) in recipes throughout the entire year.It doesn't simply sit on the rack looking beautiful.Squandering it would not fit her philosophy of food nor giving.
    @Lisa Moore.


Just a friendly reminder, if you know me personally please try to refrain from using my name. There are those who may try to locate me, break into my pantry and steal my pickled beets. Thanks:-).

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