Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Back in Fits and Starts

I have been feeling a gigantic pull to come back here- to tell you all about my August, to show garden pictures, share my thoughts, and just...well...be back here.  Because August has been filled to overflowing.

But at the same time I'm being pulled in other directions. We started school the other day (Lord, have mercy). While the kids were mostly excited, there were some bumps.  School is getting more demanding for the 6th grader and the 4-year-old has completely forgotten that I'm not accessible all the-live-long-day as she's become accustomed to over the summer.  My second grader (the least excited about starting school) breezed through the day, astonishing me at how much she retained over the summer.  Despite the bumps, it's where we belong.

Every time I slip on my outside shoes I think of Mr. Rogers.

Another reason I'm hesitant to dive back in here is because in the past I've done a lot of my blogging on the weekends (publishing the drafts throughout the week) and my weekends are no longer as much mine (as they can be with three kids).  You see, there is a little something I haven't told you.  Last fall, Jamey and I became certified foster parents.  We were approved but haven't had a placement yet because we are only open to fostering infants at this time.  It's not that infants don't come into care, it's just that there are couples who want to foster-to-adopt and those infants get placed with those couples just in case the infant comes up for adoption.  It makes complete sense and should be just so.

canned fish

Once we learned that this was the case we made ourselves available to a different local organization (unaffiliated with social services) that works with families, offering to provide respite care for young children.  Well, last week we were contacted about keeping a one-year-old boy every weekend, all weekend.  And, we accepted. God works in amazing ways.  Not only can we share our home with this little boy but it's only on weekends which means 1) Jamey is (mostly) around and 2) our homeschool week is protected.  For such a time as this indeed!  I will be sharing more about how we started down this path in the future.

So I long to come back and I will.  But it might be in fits and starts.  Please be patient with me.  There is honestly not a day that goes by that I do not think about you all and the beautiful online community we're a part of here.  I love it how some of our most meaningful relationships develop from the most unlikely of places.

I hope your last few days of August are lovely and pray that your fall will be more than you can ask for or imagine (both in opportunities and blessings).

Jane Pin It


  1. So excited for you and your family on this new journey into fostering! I will be keeping you all in my prayers. I love your blog and getting learn from your experiences. God bless!

  2. We have 3 kiddos and became foster parents almost two years ago! What a blessing it is and what a beautiful experience as you will see. God Bless you on this wonderful journey!
    PS- we hope to adopt our first and only placement (so far)in Oct! It's been a long and very rewarding (and sometimes scary and exhausting-I am not going to lie)journey!!!
    Faith G

  3. Hello Jane, this is my first comment here.

    It's a wonderful thing that you and your family are doing with fostering. I'm sure the little one year old will benefit from being in your home.

    The tomatoes and zinnias look good!

    Take care.

  4. Love the 'canned fish' photo! I also love that you are fostering or respite care. What an important part you are playing in the foster families AND foster child's life! Our congregation has a large number of adoptive and/or foster parents, so I know how much of an impact you are having. May God bless you and meet all your needs as go about being the hands & feet of Jesus!

  5. How awesome that you all are fostering! I can only imagine how much you will be able to influence this little guy just on the weekends. I am sure it will make things a little crazy for a while!

  6. I've missed you here but I've stopped by a lot as I've been canning apple sauce and harvesting an abundance of zucchini. We love your zucchini bread recipe. We are thoroughly enjoying our new adventure on our five acre farm. I have written a post to share in my head many times but it will probably have to wait until we finish processing all of this amazing food from our garden.

    Judi :)

  7. Oh please share more {when you have time} about fostering. It's something I very much feel called towards at some point.


  8. Hooray you're back. I haven't even read the post yet, I'm just glad you're back in action!!

  9. Will miss your frequent posts but will look forward to them when they pop up. So excited for you on the Foster Care Journey. If I wasn't helping with 8 small grandchildren, I might even give it a shot.

  10. It is such a wonderful experience to become a Foster Parent. A number of years ago when our boys were in grade school, we became Foster Parents. What a joy to have a new baby in our home. They were like my very own and each time I had to give one up I got physically sick. I will never be sorry we had the experience though and the first one we had came back after she was a grown up young lady to show us her little boy and to say thank you for writing everything down so that the people that adopted her knew what her first 18 months were like including all the pictures we had taken.

    By-the-way, those Beta's won't give you much of a meal!

    Glad to see you back on here!!!!! God Bless

  11. So wonderful to hear from you and your news! We'll look forward to hearing more but continue to be good to yourself ;) We'll say a prayer for your family and all that's happening ~ God Bless

  12. Oh Jane...how wonderful. All of it! And, yes...we DO become friends through this means...it has been a surprise gift to my heart that it is so. Love to you! Camille


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