Monday, September 9, 2013

1000th Post Cookbook Giveaway!

This giveaway is closed and the winners have been contacted.

According to Blogger, this is my 1000th post.  Who would have thought I'd have 1000 posts worth of things to say (actually, anyone who knows me well may not be surprised)?!

This blogging experience has morphed over the years.  It began as a way to keep out of town (and state) family up on what we were doing and to keep a record of our experiences (and it remains this for us).  Then, people I didn't know started reading it and, to be honest, it felt kind of weird at the time!  Over the past five years there have been times when I tried to anticipate what the readers would like to read but for the most part I've stayed true to letting this space follow where my head and heart lead, asking God to use me to encourage others.  That's when I enjoy it the most.

During my August hiatus I discovered something.  I need breaks as much as I need blogging.  And so, I'm planning another month long hiatus in December, another in the spring and another next August.  But, oh, how I miss being away on these breaks!  And, so....

The Giveaway:

To celebrate this (ridiculous) number of posts and the fact that we're back together again, I am giving away two (2)  of my cookbooks this week.  And, lucky for all of us, the printer made a slight (albeit a good) error and this 7th edition comes with a clear plastic cover to help protect it from spills.  The two giveaway copies have this cover!  If you'd like to order a copy, please note in your order that you'd like a clear plastic cover and my shipping manager (the always lovely, Kathy) will make sure you get one at no extra cost:-).  It's never too early to start Christmas shopping!  Don't forget you can also buy an e-version for your Kindle or computer if you prefer.

To Enter:

In the comments, please tell me what you did during the month of August.  One entry per household, please. Please leave me your first name or your initials so I can identify you if you win.  I'll randomly select two winners this Friday afternoon.

Have a wonderful day!

Jane Pin It


  1. I mostly worked and tried to complete my summer bucket list -- catch fireflies with my littles, eat ice cream, swim at the pool. . .I already miss summer.

  2. Hi Jane!

    I've spent my time preparing for a big move from CT to OK!

    Jessica V

  3. I moved my elderly parents into my home, as well as canned all of the veggies from our garden. I also taught my daughter to drive- be still my heart- Sarah B

  4. We spent the month of August working in the yard, trying to get in some family fun before school started, and getting everything ready for school!

    Nancy R.

  5. Like you I think I spent all of August canning lots and lots of tomatoes and sauces!! Also getting ready for back to school.

  6. August was a busy month with canning, freezing and getting ready for another homeschool year.


  7. I spent August in my garden, in my kitchen, and best of all....away for a weekend with my hubby of 10 years!
    Jamie W.

  8. Hey! So glad to hear from you again. We miss you when you take your breaks, too. :) In August we made a long overdue trip to Michigan to visit my mother-in-law and other in-law relations. It was amazing weather, amazing fellowship, just amazing. Ahhhh .... just remembering that lovely breeze off the lake. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the cookbook! I'm so excited!

  9. In the month of August, I did the usual thing that I do: Read your previous blog and checked for your coming back with more; did my blog, did the usual things that a stay at home mum would do with homeschooling children and a husband, plus the running of the home and garden:) BTW, we don't live in America, are we qualified to join?- Annie

  10. Dear Jane ~ Congratulations on 1000 posts! Isn't it crazy how quickly they add up over the years?? :) I'm closing in on 600...perhaps when I get there I will do a giveaway...what a lovely idea. Please enter my name in your draw...thank you for hosting! (I have a USA mailbox you could send it to if I win...just so you know). And, August...goodness me! We have had so many visits with many lovely people this entire's been such a blessing. We were home, but, busy. Unfortunately, no gardening or harvesting for me...what a blessing that you do that for your family...they are blessed! I agree with you that as much as we are blessed by blogging, we need breaks once in awhile too. I like your idea of scheduling them in advance. I already have December blocked off in my mind as well...we are on the same page my friend. Love to you! Camille

  11. I've spent most of August taking my kids to the local amusement park and most recently enjoying the extra produce from my neighbors. I can't wait to plant a garden next season, and just finished a canning a batch of your salsa. I've loved your blog and spiritual messages. Have a great day!

  12. Returned from a vacation out West were I recovered my daughter's chair cushions and helped her settle in to her 6th grade classroom, weeded all the gardens that had been left for three weeks, made scrubs for another daughter, filled up the freezer with some quick freezer meals, canned applesauce and salsa, shared my bounty with friends and family and continued to learn how blessed I am to have all that I have. I am also working on listening better to what the Lord wants me to do with what He has given me.
    I have only recently found your blog but appreciate how real you are about this mortal learning curve we call life.CKM

  13. The number one thing I did in August.... SWEAT! lol No gardening here during August. I tried to stay inside the house as much as possible. I did take advantage of some super sales and stocked the freezer up with beef, pork and chicken. Can't wait for fall gardening!

  14. Prepared for and enjoyed my parents visit for the first time in a year, which included some glorious one-on-one time with my momma, and got my littles ready to start school :)

  15. What did I do in August? I found your blog by accident. What a blessed accident, God directed! You have blessed me, Jane. Through your blog, I have joined Swagbucks, made pesto using your recipe and froze some , You have also inspired me to do other freezing as well. So my sister and I froze oodles of sweetcorn, several pints and quarts of green beans and okra. I have enjoyed reading several of your blog entries and your background. As a retired teacher, breaks are a must in life. God uses them to recharge and renew us so we are able to serve and love more effectively. Thank you, Jane for all you have shared.

  16. August is the start of "birthday season" for us:) With kids birthdays on the 2nd, 16th and 30th of August and one more on September 10th, it is a bit hectic :)

    Thanks for another opportunity!


  17. I walk with a walker and don't get out of my home very much, so I spent August having some of my grands here to visit me...I love my grandchildren...They are all so different and such a joy to be around....
    I also work in our home office scheduling appts. for people's tubs to be repaired...
    I love reading all the things you do and love the pictures...Brings me back to a time in my youth when I would visit my Grammy and help her in her garden and pick raspberries at the side of her garage...then as jam, OH YUMMY.
    Love from NC

  18. Oh goodness, let me see....August was full of lots of fiddle music at the Branson Fiddle Festival. Also we were blessed to have our grandson from Wisconsin down to the Ozarks for a visit! Canning wise we put up lots of pickle relish and salsa, it's just been a very busy month!

  19. During August we - worked on the pond we are trying to dig/build/create. Fun, but frustratingly slow. But it will hopefully be worth it!!!


  20. You have been busy! I was also busy in August, trying to garden and take care of grandsons. Not too good at gardening, but had tons of fun with my grandsons (2 and 6).

    Cece S.

  21. This summer my 6 year old was bitten by a brown recluse spider so we spent much of July and August in and out of the hospital. Thankfully the doctors were able to save her leg and she is healing. All of our best made plans slipped past us. However as a family we were able to freeze all of our tomatoes and peppers for later use in salsa and sauces. We are hoping to reclaim our September to prepare for winter and are ever so thankful for God's amazing healing.

    1. I'm praising God right along with you! So thankful for the healing of your daughter:-).

  22. What I did in August:

    I put up salsa, spaghetti sauce, zucchini relish, cucumbers, zucchini "pineapple", elderberry flu syrup, green beans and a bunch of herbs.

    I went yard saling and to Staples for back to homeschool supplies (CHEAP!)

    I celebrated my 11th anniversary with my husband.

    I hosted a few garden parties.

    I read about Hard Times (a book about the Great Depression) while canning- which made me more thankful for the tediousness of jar after jar.

    I blogged. A lot.

    I rebudgeted our finances.

    I crocheted and knitted.

    I challenged myself to make a new homemade ice cream flavor every week for Ice Cream "Sundays". (They've been GOOOOOOooooooooood.)

    I wrote letters. I avoided planning for this homeschool year. I went to the fair with my family. I went to a wedding all by myself. I was photographer at another wedding.

    I cut lots of flowers for vases in every room of my house.

    I attended some Amish auctions for produce and bought a few more (younger) chickens to round out our flock because I was a loser and didn't buy chicks this spring when I should have.

    I cried, I laughed, I sweated, I showered. I worked hard. I was lazy.

    And that was my August in a nutshell.

    (I'd love to get my hands on your book! It looks right up my alley!)

  23. Besides working I tried to keep up with the garden weeds, got the youngest kid off to college and put up freezer corn.

  24. I prepared for our first baby, due in just one more week! - freezer cooking, nursery decorating, finishing small household projects, washing baby name it!

    1. Nesting:-). Best wishes on the safe arrival of your precious baby, Hannah!

  25. I started a new workout program and tried to keep up with all my grape tomatoes! - Faith B

  26. Hmmm Lets see, what did I do in August. Well, I harvested a bunch of veggies, canned and froze them all up. Planned my sons 13th birthday party. Researched and ordered three blueberry bushes that will hopefully give us plenty of blueberries next summer. Blogged a bunch too. Think that's about it. Nothing exciting. hehe

    Heather D.

  27. we spent a lot of time with our daughter and her family helping them as she recovered from thyroid surgery. On the way home we were able to make an overnight stay in Berea Kentucky. I thoroughly enjoy your blog!

  28. August went by so fast, I'm not sure what I did! Well actually, I spent a lot of time preserving--canning, baking, cooking, freezing. All good stuff. I also spent time slowing down a bit. Thank you for this contest, I'd love to win a copy of your cookbook. Welcome back!

  29. Spent the first part of August finishing our new chicken coop / rabbit hutch and moving the hens and rabbits into their new digs. Also, spent a week in Cancun, Mexico marrying off my oldest daughter. Good to have a new son-in-law that can run a heavy equipment! :)

  30. Well August really wasn't all that different than any other month. I blogged some, of course I had to go to work. My mother in law got really sick so we had to spend a lot of time in the Intensive Care waiting room. I got my ducks in a row to begin an online bible study through Good Morning Girls.
    That is pretty much it.

  31. We took a vacation to the bay. Then I spent the rest of the month trying to get as much canning done as I could with a 2 month old and 2 year old. I am happy it's slowing down now. Congratulations on your 1000th post. I enjoy your recipes!

  32. We started our first year of homeschooling. I have 3 girls (5th, 3rd, and Kindergarten), so I feel like all I did was plan for that! It's been busy, but fun! I've wanted to do this for years!

  33. We bought and moved into a new home!

  34. We spent most of it squeezing as much sunshine and joy out of the end of summer as we could.

  35. I spent as much time as I could with the kids before they went back to school and I picked and ate a lot of raspberries. I love your blog.
    Marja E.

  36. In August we celebrated our daughter's 2nd birthday by taking a day off so she could have Mama and Daddy all day. Had a fun birthday party. We celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary and just tried to keep up with our business, families and home. Love your blog. It is a blessing! Praise The Lord! MB

  37. Big month here at the mini farm. Put up $4,000 worth of food, went to Mystery Wrtier's Conf. and got son off to college! Carly Carter

  38. My August was filled with preserving garden produce, preparing for a new year of home education, finishing projects for the county fair, and preparing my daughter for a trip overseas. Melanie W.

  39. In August I refinanced our house, got a teaching license for a new state, started a new teaching job at a new school, which I love, made a flying trip to another state eight hours away the first weekend after school started, and bought my first buck. LOL! No wonder my nerves are shot and I haven't blogged in forever!

  40. I spent part of August canning and the other part organizing canned goods and recipes to make my life the rest of the year just a bit easier. Thanks for writing such an awesome blog!

  41. We spent the first few weeks of August soaking up the last bits of summer before my husband started back up with seminary classes. We did lots of picnics and park visits with our little girls.

  42. I love your blog, btw!! I nursed my broken ankle, worked at the farm stand where I have been for the last five years, and planned all my September canning (which is almost done:)))) I would LOVE a copy of your book!!
    kim h.

  43. I, too, did a lot of canning in August! God surely blessed us with a very prolific garden this year! So very thankful.

  44. Congratulations on 1000 posts - I just discovered your blog (via One Hundred Dollars a Month) a few months ago and love it.
    In August I made peach, plum and raspberry jam. Picked a few tomatoes and puttered in container flower pots. Read a lot, visited with friends, started cooking again and rested, rested, and rested more ... getting my stamina and strength back after chemo and radiation. Life is good.


    1. Thinking of you, Beatrice, as you heal and regain strength.

    2. I made two trips to the emergency room with a husband trying to pass a kidney fun. I canned like a crazy person: tomato soup, salsa, diced tomatoes, spaghetti sauce, raspberry/orange jam, grape jam, and potatoes. Truly, I spent most of the month standing over the stove...but oh, does the pantry every look beautiful! Katz

  45. Congratulations on 1000 posts.
    The month of August, I worked, planted, mowed, weeded, baked, did some spring cleaning, tended animals and children, all those fun things which I actually do enjoy. I would love a copy of your book. x Sharon

  46. So glad that you are back! It was a happy little surprise in my blog reading list. For the month of August we celebrated our daughters 3rd birthday, hit the consignment sales for back to school clothes, and started her first year of preschool. It was a busy and fulfilling month, as I hope yours was.

  47. Congratulations on your 1,000th blog post!! That's impressive! August was long work hours, spending time with my husband, weeding, gardening, harvesting and preserving (salsa, crowder peas, corn, zucchini, crookneck squash, limas, green tomatoes, cowhorn okra, summer apples, white half runners, peppers, blueberries), seed saving, cleaning the house, cookouts with some of our close friends, a visit with family in Florida, dealing with several visits from wild hogs (they can tear anything up!), finishing an office move, reading in the evening if my eyes would stay open, caring for our youngest Great Pyrenees after her surgery, cleaning out lots of items we no longer use and making a Goodwill run, and catching as many beautiful sunrises as possible. I love every chance I get to read and learn more about a different way to preserve or healthy dishes to fix for my family. Your cookbook would be a huge blessing in our home!

  48. I did a lot of freezing veggies from the garden and trying to enjoy the last bit of summer!
    Congrats on your 1000 post! I love your blog! Nana Jan

  49. Congrats on 1000 post that is so exciting! I have loved all of them! :)
    I did some canning, gardening, school supplies/clothing shopping for our two boys. Organized closets , Celebrated our 7 year anniversary with my husband and started getting ready to teach my preschoolers at my church. Thank you for doing this giveaway!

  50. During the month of August We tried to go swimming more. Congrats!
    Desiree J

  51. Love your blog and congrats on your 1000th post! The month of August I did tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes, and beans, beans, beans! (with a small vacation thrown in there for good measure ;)
    Sarah G

  52. Mostly worked during August, but did manage to hit some thrift stores.
    Sue H.

  53. I spent the month gardening with my kids then canning! Aurelie

  54. Yeah for all of your wisdom in 1000 posts! Being in education, I "survived" August as it was our first month of school. Our son started the 6th grade, we worked our garden, I made a ton of your recipes to freeze and eat- tomatoe soup, tomatoe pie, applesauce, roasted tomatoes, pesto, basic sauce, peach pie, pesto dip cirlce thing, chicken stuffing casserole, baked oatmeal, pizza sauce, pie crusts, Quiche, etc.
    Freezer is full and we have great meals!I appreciate all of your sharing, I have your recipe book and would love to pass another on to a mom as a gift!

  55. We visited many friends and family because our school year doesn't allow it with homeschool and teaching piano. I rested and put together some of our school material. I didn't can at all because our gardens are so dry that they didn't produce much until September. Then my daughter got a staph infection and I took care of it. Breaks from the norm are great. I hope that you enjoyed yours!


  56. Snuggled up with my three month old, played warrior knight with my three year old, and prayed for my five year old who headed off to kindergarten! :) Good times.

  57. Congrats on your 1000th milestone! August was spent helping oldest daughter shop for "new to her" furniture for her new house, school shopping with teenage daughter, freezing corn, making pizza sauce and trying to find time for rest before applesauce season comes into full swing.

  58. Melanie F in HamiltonSeptember 9, 2013 at 10:13 PM

    We canned peaches and pears, went to tennis camp and played in the pool. I'm excited at the chance to win your cookbook!
    Melanie F.

  59. We were busy in August with harvesting plums, spinach, green bean, peas and enjoying the sunshine. Cherishing the time while summer is beautiful and getting setup for school. It was a wonderful summer. I was a bit sad to see the leaves start to change.


  60. We started our homeschool year and I canned a lot of pickles.

  61. Kept Grandchildren who were visiting from out of town. They enjoy coming to Nanny and Papa's in the country.

  62. Hmm August was a full month! We started our homeschool year. We canned and canned and canned some more! Corn relish, green beans, wild plum jam, blueberry jam, tomatoes, bread and butter pickles, and pickled crab apples (a new one for us).

    Would so love to win your cookbook but if not I have already told my children that I want one for my October birthday!

    Judi :)

  63. We got a goat! Other then that it was gardening, canning and starting school.

    Cammy m

  64. I canned...good grief, I don't even know what all. A lot! Plus I started getting ready for deer season, found a source for black walnuts, and worked on a trellis for squash in the garden next year.

  65. Built a pizza oven and waited for winter to pass in Australia.

  66. During the month of August, I went back and started at the beginning - reading your blog. Every day I would read a week or two - that way it didn't seem like you weren't there! When you "break" in December, I will pick up where I left off on your old posts.


  67. I did a lot of gardening and a lot of canning. I also got back into the swing of things with the Junior League of Albany. It's been a busy month and promises to be a very busy year!

    KK @ Preppy Pink Crocodile

  68. I went and helped my mother clean out her home ending in a yard sale. Then we went to four national parks in three days. It's inspiring to see what
    God has created. Jamie

  69. Our August flew by! A sweet lady from our church taught me how to can! It has been an adventure! I also hosted a bi-monthly craft camp for kids this summer!

  70. Mostly worked, on the off time I did manage to can some dried beans. That is so helplful for those long days after work for a quick meal.
    Congratulations on your 1000 post. I think I have read all of them & truly enjoy your blog.

  71. Hmmmm, let's see...I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off. Always running, but never getting anywhere. :)

  72. During the month of August I had another birthday, which I don't count anymore and on a sad note, lost my dad who was 83. I canned pickles, dilly beans, potatoes, beets, the last of my second harvest of string beans, canned and froze corn, and of course tomatoes. I thank my Lord daily for all these blessings He sends my way. God bless you and yours.

    Darlene M.

    1. Darlene, I'm so sorry about the loss of your father....

  73. August surely flew...
    ~ Mothered 14 motherless lambs including 3 feeds a day
    ~ Checked the lambing ewes daily for problems (praise God we had a great year of lambing)
    ~ Finally got our first lot of piglets butchered (3 days shy of being a year old so yes we left it late) & then spent a day a week later packaging all the meat as the butcher cut it up ( oh & we got 6 lambs done as well).
    ~ Our beef cow had a calf so loads of baby watching ( because who can resist)
    ~ Started my seeds for our garden after poring over seed catalogues
    ~ Homeschooled our precious kiddos
    ~ Missed your blog !!!! :)

  74. Congratulations :) My August was for spending time with family and for preparations for the coming school year! Barbara D.

  75. I can and froze veggies and fruit from the garden.

  76. Congrats on the 1000th post. Your book looks lovely. I canned corn, greeeeeeen beans, diced tomatoes, chili, and more that I can't remember because my brain was steamed as well. We are also working on outdoor projects in preparation for winter. I hope you are having a productive and enjoyable late summer with your little ones:)

  77. I am a teachers aide at the High School, so my August was preparing to return to school. Also my husband's birthday was the 10th, so we celebrated! Love your blog!
    Jenn DeVille

  78. Love reading your posts!! They are inspiring me to get a garden of my own going once we no longer have watering restrictions here in North Texas. I have started with a few seeds growing indoors for now: basil, mint, cilantro and baby bell peppers. Hope to get a few more sprouting in the next week or so. Tabitha S.

  79. Wow 1000 posts that's quite an accomplishment! The month of August was sooooo hot here in Mesa Arizona that I decided to plant watermelon! I now have 3 of the lushest, fastest growing watermelon plants I've ever seen. Can't wait to see what happens. We did lots of yard work and house maintenance. We just bought our home this past January. Looking forward to a nice cool, lovely Arizona winter!

    Peggy Pettis :)

  80. Like so many others, August meant the beginning of the canning/preserving/harvesting from the garden. We entered into our first warm weather of the summer (finally!) and it was all TOO hot and humid! (Just in time for heating up the house with the canner, of course.) But none the less, I am so thankful to have whatever harvest I can squeeze from the garden because it started out looking like nothing was going to grow and we would be eating beans and rice but no veggies (!) all winter.

    My goodness, by all the replies you have a very popular give-a-way going here!

  81. I just tried to keep up. I work outside the home, manage a farmer's market (small one), have two young kiddos, four gardens, and 18 chickens.

    I'm very tired.

    Congrats on the milestone!!

    Sarah C.

  82. In August I hosted four friends for ten days, ran a half-marathon, started a new teaching job, went under contract on a house, and got married! :) It was a busy month to say the least.

  83. I worked. But also worked with my Senior college applications, essays and resume!

    Barb S

  84. This August I dried zucchini, tomatoes, nectarines, peaches, pears, red peppers. We picked huckleberries and froze them. I froze Hatch chili peppers. We had overnight company 3 times. I enjoyed my family and husband and will treasure the memories. It was a good month. I love your blog and would love your cookbook.
    Bless you,

  85. During August, I took care of my husband, who was finally home after six months of surgeries and hospitalizations. (Unfortunately, he is back in the hospital now.) It was very, very hard work, but it was a great gift to have him home.

    1. Thinking of you, Catherine, as you care for your husband. Prayers for his healing and his healthcare providers as they make decisions and care for him....

  86. August was interesting....put up lots of canned goods, froze lots of fruit and veggies and canned jams. Then got sick and had surgery on the 22nd....doing very well now. But of course, running behind. Sometimes it is meant for us to slow down.

    Wow...1000 posts! Awesome!!

    Linda M

  87. I spent the month of August sweating, canning & freezing from the garden - JR from North GA

  88. I spent the month of August doing a lot of watering of fruit trees, berries etc. At least there isn't any need to mow the grass! I made several new batches of soap also and did a lot of clothes mending.

  89. I was canning in August and I still am! Summer was a little late coming here. Love all your recipes that I have tried so far and would LOVE to have the cookbook. Thank you Patty G

  90. Congrats Jane! I love your blog and look forward to seeing what you're up to or what God is saying through you! Thank you for being you!
    This year in August brought more unpacking as I moved into a new place this summer and spending time with some of my grands! Renata S.

  91. It was my birthday and my daughter Gwynn's. So we painted fingernails. Also, we started our homeschool. I think your blog is super nifty! Jesse

  92. Got myself ready for my youngest leaving for kindergarten, froze tomatoes and sauce, imagined a patio, and tried some canning.

  93. We went on a trip to Arizona, kept up our garden, enjoyed the fresh tomatoes and peaches, and savored the end of summer! Thanks!

  94. I have cleaned my house of all clutter. It was easy, and feels good! Donating all most everything, someone else will get to these items to good use. I still work at it everyday!

  95. Well, I canned green beans, made grape jelly, and fig preserves!

  96. We took a trip 'home' to visit my family in New England, and we also toured Monticello and the Frontier Culture Museum here in VA. And I neglected my garden....

  97. Well, we mostly did homeschool. We are fairly well into our year since we started back in June. Plus, I planted a fall garden (first time doing that!!!).

    Congrats on your 1,000th post!

  98. this past month we lost our central air and it did get sort of hot and humid, and it seems like for a week all of us here tried to stay cool by catching a breeze from our fans all while trying to keep as still as possible so as to not work up an even worse sweat. when it was nicer (in the low 80's), I did some landscaping tasks like weeding and working on a set of garden beds in the front of the house. we finally got some peppers mid-month so I cooked what arrived in a variety of dishes. looking back, it seems like one of the only other things I got accomplished was mulching. Looking forward to cooler weather for heavier gardening chores like on-the-spot composting in my veggie garden beds so we have a better soil next year.

  99. August was one of the hottest months we had so far this year. We spend as much time as we could inside,but we loved going to the park and spending time with the family.

  100. August was a month of much canning and freezing of the garden's bounty.


  101. After so many years of proper procrastination, I purchased a humming bird feeder and we love it...should have done that years ago.
    The humming birds are so sweet and very busy as they gather the sweetness.
    I purchased a book recently that you had suggested...gave it to my husband to help him tend our 5 x 5 garden. He loved it.
    Well gotta get back to work...Thanks again for sharing your family tales and stories.
    God Bless you all....Susan C. P.

  102. We spent our month camping on weekends and canning and getting ready for the big move into high school and 1 into elementary school..oh they grow so fast. ~joAnn

  103. I spent most of the month on diy projects around the house. cleaned and donated lots of items to a local charity and ready for another go at it. unfortunately, it was too hot for gardening and my garden is showing the signs of neglect.
    Mona V

  104. This August I canned as if I had my own farm (I don't) and my pantry is full of great local food and it looks beautiful. This month I also had a moment of clarity and realized I need more peace in my heart and mind, I spent time with family and friends and realize I need more exercise.

    On a side note, I am glad you are back (to blogging).

  105. canning, freezing, and getting ready for back to school.
    Heather T.

  106. I helped my daughter set up a nursery for our first grandchild! How exciting is that. The rest of my time was preserving my abundant garden!

    Janet Parks
    woodway. Wa

  107. This August, I started getting freshly laid eggs from our 4 hens! I also started planning for our first year of homeschooling (1st, 3rd, 5th graders and a 2 year old). August was a month of firsts for us!
    Mrs. G

  108. With many financial obstacles this summer, we tried to do free things, such as visiting splash pads at local parks, free movie day at the local theatre and visited nearby family members for a time of renewal. I canned lots of new items this year like pears, pizza sauce & cinnamon pickles. JulieMarie in Ohio

  109. I spent the first part of August at Disney World with my love, and the second part starting a new job! What a great month!!! -Steph

  110. I did a LOT of dehydrating in August. I dehydrated zucchini (cubes, shredded and slices) and made Salt & Pepper Zucchini chips, salt & Vinegar zucchini chips, etc. I also dehydrated acorn squash, lemons, limes, and butternut squash and done a lot of cooking and baking.

  111. It is good to hear from you again! In August here in "the land down under " we see the end of gardening round one and till and ready our gardens for round two! I prefer four season territory myself however...
    Look forward to seeing if I will receive your wonderful cookbook. 8-D
    Congratulations on your 1000th post!

  112. August is a blur! Mainly, I traveled to and from San Diego a few times, helping with my 4 year old granddaughter! I also participated in an online Bible Study on Ephesians. Laughed; cried; prayed.

    Sue W.

  113. I worked part time at local Vegetable Stand and brought home(compost) goodies every night. Canned and froze 3 bushels of peaches 3 bushels of tomatoes, along with making Pasta sauce, plus various other veggies and fruits, what a blessing for my family to share.
    Kristine Drumm

  114. For me, August was the very first time I canned over 40 quarts of tomato sauce from Amish Paste tomato's that I grew from seed. I saved some of those precious little seeds so I'll have more tomato's next summer. God's creations are amazing.

  115. Happy 1000th post!

    I spent most of August canning and cooking and freezing food to last for the year. Our garden is slowing down. Getting ready to move from our big old farmhouse to a smaller 1 floor house on the same property. Oldest daughter and family will move into our house. Nice. Worked a lot at the library (librarian at a church/school combo) getting ready for the new school year and finished up the summer reading program for 41 participants. Had visits from out of town and out of state friends and relatives.

    Thank you for a chance to win a copy of your book.

  116. I spent the summer helping my son get ready for college -- shopping, editing his belongings, cleaning out his room, and savoring the little moments I knew were coming to a screeching halt. After delivering him to his school 1300 miles away, we are both adjusting to this new phase in life. : /
    Laura R.

  117. I spent my August getting ready for back to school and cooking almost on a daily basis for my two men

  118. I spent the month of August doing lots of gardening - and I'm still not finished! And a few fun short family vacations, which is just what I/we needed to recharge amidst all the busyness. Love your blog!

    Mary Beth in Massachusetts

  119. I was lazy this year and only canned a minimal amount of tomatoes and green beans. I also froze some corn, but nothing like I normally do. Our seventh child is consuming much of my time, not to mention the curious toddler. I hope to resume canning in full blast next year. I will miss all of the fresh tomato sauce- I use it in everything, it seems!

    Rebekah B.

  120. August! Oh yes, the last school free month of the summer. Our garden did not do so good this year, so I had little to put away. I did not do that in August. We had missionary co workers from Africa with us for 6 weeks in June and July and our grown children's family of 10 with us for the 3rd week of July after the missionaries went home, so the last week of July and into August we caught up with all the things we should have done in June and July! Sounds crazy but it is true. So, in mid August we widened the doorway between the dining room and living room so we could expand our table to fit all the family at holidays, which we never could do because the table and chairs could not fit through the opening when we enlarged the table. It is now 2 1/2 feet wider, perfect for the table expansion. Need I say then, that most of the second half of August, I cleaned everyday (construction dirt), painted several walls which were involved in the construction project, wiped down walls (yes, dust again), cleaned windows in those 2 rooms, including the louvered blinds that were on them, (6 in all) and cleaned and polished all the wood frames from the many pictures on walls from both rooms. Oh, yes, we had to redo the wood floors also to match the new wood in the construction area. Well, that's about it, except I did take the luxury of swimming several times throughout the month, which is my favorite relaxation, as well a write in my blog(! Busy month after all!

    Janie C.

  121. I did my first canning! And now I'm hooked!

  122. Jane,
    I too would like to congratulate you on your "accidentally prolific" writing career. It really is quite an accomplishment in this day and age not just to stay with a project for this long, but to continue to pursue it with excellence. This is an achievement I truly admire.

    While a thousand posts is certainly worth celebrating, the real cause for joy here is the number of people who have responded to this post. Your blog is touching hundreds and quite likely thousands of lives, and readers are lining up for a shot at your cookbook. As someone who has spent a good part of his life trying to get people to read what I (and others) have written, I recognize the extraordinary success you have achieved in engaging your readers. I am immediately reminded of the movie "Julie and Julia."

    I am not a publisher or book editor, per se, but I have been around long enough to know that if you WANTED to make a career of this, there is little doubt that you would be a great success. My hat is off to you for achieving what is so elusive for so many other writers: a deep connection with your readers.

    Blessings to you and your family as you continue to use your gifts for God's glory.

    p.s. I won't bore you with the details of my August, but I will purchase a cookbook!

  123. This August we were busy getting the kiddos ready for school, football practice started and took a few days to go visit family before the rat race began for another year. Then I was back to work on the 15th and the kids back the next week. Busy!

    Holly H.

  124. I canned in August, as much as I could fit in..I also taught a friend how to can (salsa and whole tomatoes in their own juice), plus taught my aunt how to can over Still got lots more canning to do getting soups ready for winter! Love to win your book!

  125. August...well, I continued with our (year-round) homeschool program while continuing canning and trying to organize my home. In between all that (!) I found out my sister was/is getting married the end of September so I had to come up with some creative gift ideas! It was a very crazy month!

  126. Year after year, the month of August is always filled with much activity. It also involves baking zucchini bread from that harvested in the garden. However, this year our garden faired poorly. A neighbor supplied us with some zucchini and was therefore able to bake zucchini bread from your recipe book. We loved all the different variations, but especially the ones with blueberries inside. Thank you!
    Debbie N.

  127. We've plugged away at school each day. We've also been busy canning up a storm. We'll be thankful for all the hard work when we are on vacation in a few weeks!

    Amy P.

  128. we tried to garden and clean up around our home

    Amanda t

  129. I planted, harvested and preserved the harvest.

    I know I would enjoy using your cookbook.

    Krista P.

  130. We canned peaches until they were coming out of our ears, went on a mini vacation with hubby's folks, sent our 13 yo on first mission trip with her grandparents, and learned more about how to become self sufficient. Not too much!
    ~~~Margaret aka Maggs!

  131. We picked up our oldest son from my uncle's house in WV. He spent the summer there learning small engine repair and more about farming. He spent time with his cousins who took him swimming, snake hunting, biking and four wheeling. What a blessing to have family willing to take on a 16 year old eating machine for a summer! Now we are back in the full swing of school and soccer season.

    Susan A.

  132. Garden work seems to be at the top of the list. I really enjoy canning the bounty. Other highlights were extracting honey as well as selling honey and homemade craft items at a local craft show. In a family of ten, general life is never dull!

    Barb J.

  133. What? You mean August is already over? When did that happen? Oh dear!

    Well, besides gardening, housekeeping, and sharing the good news with others in my ministry, I attended a wonderful 3 day Christian convention with all of my family several hours away from our home. Even tho was a lot of prep work involved, it was oh, so worth it!

    Now, realizing that it is indeed September already, I'd better get back to work! Soooo much to do!

  134. Glad to see you back! I tried to focus on deep cleaning the house but kept getting distracted by my 21 month old granddaughter! I loved every minute of it! Peggy L.

  135. There was a very large family gathering for the 1 year old's birthday party! Wonderful memories made!

  136. Lots and lots of veggies canning...
    Larisa c

  137. In the month of August I traveled from my home in Southern Illinois to Texas -- twice. Oh the driving. yikes. But the time spent with friends was well worth the hours of travel.

  138. My husband died 8 months ago. Two of my three daughters came to visit the farm with the 7 grandchildren then I went to visit my parents, brother and other family. August was my best month! When I returned the sunflowers had put on their happy faces :)

    Jeanne B

    1. Jeanne, I am so very sorry for your loss. I'm glad August was a better month for you:-).

  139. We spent the month trying to learn how to garden in Northern California but it was such a strange year for weather that I'm not sure how much we actually learned! We also went into escrow on a home on 2 acres that I envision turning into a homestead like yours! I'm already planning the berry bushes and vegetable garden and dreaming of bees. I will be interested to see how your garden changes now that you have watched Back to Eden. I love that movie and dream of being blessed by the Lord with a garden like his! Thank you for all that you do, I only follow 3 blogs and you are one of them! I also read your friend Mavis too!
    Allison A.

  140. Sept 10,2013

    Canned 5 qts of your tomato soup recipe, 15 pints of salsa, 7qts of green tomatoes for frying in the winter, 1 half pint of stevia elixir, 6 quarts of tomato sauce, 3 pints of tomatillo lime jam(YUM) 14 half pints of hot pepper jelly and its only tues. Picked another 25 lbs of tomatoes this morning and 7 lbs of sweet peppers, the rest of the week I plan on cooking freezer meals,making herb and oil ice cubes and more of that tasty tomato soup. LOVE your blog. When I start to feel burned out, I just start reading all you do and then I feel re-energized again. Suzie U

  141. I was hoping for 1000 things about yourself!!!!!


  142. During the month of Aug; Dried herbs and made herbal pastes, canned hot peppers,pickels and onions. Made rhubarb strawberry jam, lemon curd and blueberry preserves.
    Stuffed bell peppers, eggplant parmesan and eggplant spread, for the freezer. The garden is going gangbusters this year even though we had a late start. Suzie U

  143. We celebrated 2 family birthdays, started homeschooling back up, and worked on the garden & canning its bounty!

  144. I held my newborn daughter.
    Emily G

  145. August is always a busy month. It was filled with gardening, canning, starting school and my middle son's 3rd birthday.
    Janel M

  146. My August was canning, canning, canning. Oh, and school too!

  147. We started off with a nice vacation to Maine. Then came home and dove right back into work. My hubby works for a smal schools and needed to get things ready for the new year. I work for our church and had to get ready for the new "fiscal" year and all of our events starting back up. I seriously can't believe that summer is over already. We did enjoy being together, though. :)

  148. Hi Jane. August has been a very busy month for me. But then I don't remember a month that has not been filled with many accomplishments for a very long time. I started the month visiting my daughter and her husband in their new home, a four hour drive each way. Things were hopping especially with their 15 month old "helping" with everything. Upon returning home, there was the garden bulging with harvest to be picked, chickens needing their pen cleaned, quilts to be completed before the middle of the month when I was presenting them at the local guild, windows to be washed, berries picked and frozen or made into jam, visitors to enjoy and feed. I am sure I missed something.....oh yes, my brother came by in the middle of the month to pick up his dog. We had been dog sitting while he and his family travelled. We decided while he was with us, to kill, pluck and clean our 20 meat birds. This was our first attempt at it and with help, the three of us completed the task in one day. I am quite proud of the results. Mmm good.
    Just a note to say thank you for the wonderful blog you share. Your idea of taking time off is a good one. My husband does our blogging and sometimes he feels the need to take a break from it as well. He comes back refreshed and full of new ideas.
    Take care. God bless.

    Mary K.

  149. I had the honor of traveling to Alabama to spend a week helping my son and daughter-in-law with our first grandbaby. What a Blessing!

  150. Had my 68th bithday, church on sundays, loving my grandchildren.
    Jackie B.

  151. We had the 4-H fair. 4 of the children particpated showing ducks, chickens, rabbits, crafts and writing. Then, a graduation party for my 18 yr old son. After that, we all (except one older child so 9 of us) came down with the Whooping Cough! Not fun, but we are over it now. Praise God! Canned a lot of cucumber pickles, jams and jellies, fennel, and kraut. I also had a birthday in the the middle of the month! Cross Country Track started up again and we prepared for our home school year.Busy! Oh, also, the farmers market on Saturday mornings, selling eggs, veggies, granola, and the sunflowers you suggested jane!
    Thanks, Bonnie M

  152. August was a month for clearing out furniture, items, and books I no longer use or need. These items were passed along to others to use and enjoy the way I did.

    Jana S.

  153. I froze peaches, green beans, and carrots. It was too hot in the house for canning. We have given away a lot of the produce from the garden.
    Adrienne M.

  154. Tried to wind down after my daughter's wedding in late July! Canned grape jelly (bumper crop!), peach syrup, relish and salsa verde. Also made a huge batch of green enchilada sauce--so many peppers, onions, tomatillos, etc to use up! Also did my best to cook meals with everything else coming from the garden. Cheree H.

  155. I collected all the stinging nettle I could and dried it for winter tea. I also picked four, 5 gallon buckets of elderberries...canned 40 pints of elderberry syrup and dried 6 quarts of them.
    Kathy G.

  156. I went on a wonderful get away to the North Shore of Lake Superior in Northern Minnesota with my husband. WE stayed in a cozy cabin and relaxed and enjoyed nature. We biked and hiked and just watched the sea gulls and waves hit the shore. It was wonderful!!!
    Marlene K.

  157. Spent most of August
    Connie M.

  158. Congrats on hitting 1,000 posts. My August? I'm not sure...received Sunday school material for church, got supplies lined up, figured out where the classes will meet, yelled at llamas that like to escape (it then becomes a race to the gate, however, they haven't figured out that I don't run), had our oldest granddaughter twice for five nights each time (she starts pre-school and we will now have to plan around a school schedule), roasted hotdogs I don't know how many times because said granddaughter likes to cook them over a fire, went on a business trip with my husband, ate fresh corn but didn't have enough to can (blame escaping llamas), took my heifer across the road to be with other cows (easier to tell when she comes in heat). I'm not sure where the time went. :)

  159. Lots of canning and freezing from our wonderful garden, that the Lord overly blessed this year.
    Carrie H.

  160. I canned lots of beans, pickles, tomatoes, made jams and jellies, cleaned chicken coop, and worked cleaning my flower beds. I also work full time at the local nursing home. Cannot wait until fall and the first frost for my brussel sprouts and pumpkins, look at the beautiful fall leaf colors!

  161. I canned and made several batches of your zucchini bread recipe - it really is that good!

  162. How my August went. Well we had several b days , the Fair , canning , more canning then I have done in a long time. We had alot of heifers calving so alot of new born calves to take care of . Then the last week of August we got a surprize visit from our Fresh Air child who is now grown and has 3 children of her own. It was great to see what a wonderful woman and mother she has become. She wanted her childern to see the farm and how she spent her summers as a girl. BSH

  163. With baby number four coming in the next month we decided it would be a good idea to get a head start on school. So August was spent home schooling three little people.


  164. Sewed my only niece a baby quilt. :)


  165. What did I do in August? I fell down a flight of stairs with my daughter in early August so spent most of the month recuperating with a neck fracture. Praising God that injuries were not worse and that my daughter was not injured. God has provided for us in so many ways this past month or so! I enjoy your blog! Thank you!
    Sara G.

    1. Oh, Sara! I can't imagine how scary that was! Praising God along with that you're healing and that your daughter is fine:-).

  166. August, let's see. I canned peaches, froze corn, made zucchini and banana bread, went to a cabin for a weekend, and prepared my oldest to go to school. I also did the know, laundry, cooking, cleaning. But who wants to hear about that?! Blessings!

    Erica S.

  167. Harvesting the garden, weeding, canning, weeding, trying out my new dehydrator, more weeding!! Made lots of salsa from our great tomato harvest, and lots of applesauce from our apple trees - lots more apples and pears coming the end of the month. Covering plants when the temps dropped in the 40's for a few chilly days in August. We are back in the 90's but Thursday's low is supposed to be in the 40's again. Crazy MI weather. We are blessed to be able to make it to retirement and have the time (not always the energy) to do the things we love. God is good and we are blessed. Herbielady

  168. I just adore your blog and Congrats on your 1000th post! I didn't do much, but I did go to the Cayman Landing camp ground Pig Roast at Treasure Lake.

  169. First off, thank you for such a wonderful inspiring blog. I truly enjoy reading it and am always inspired by all you do. What did I do in Aug? Not much other than the normal everyday housework. I care for Grandpa who has Alzheimer's so I don't have much extra time. But I read your blog and gain lots of ideas for when I will have the time. :) Sherry M

  170. I always love reading your blog and find it uplifting and helpful, so thank you 1,000 times! :) This August I spent three weeks working for a UW Sorority doing their "Summer Clean" -- scrubbing down a giant house from top to bottom. It was also our anniversary, so we spent the day visiting our favorite book shop, wine shop, and coffee shop. My son and I went on our church's annual Family Camp and especially enjoyed the water slides.

  171. Unfortunately it wasn't fun. My mom decided to try to go without the air conditioner this summer - in Phoenix. She got severely dehydrated and was in the hospital for 7 days and is now in a skilled nursing facility. So, we spent most of August in hospital settings or working!

  172. Congratulations on making 1000!! I stumbled upon your blog during your hiatus and have found inspiration in all of your posts that I have read. Thank you! August was a month of hanging out at home enjoying the last days of freedom before school schedules take over our life. - Melissa C (MDC)

  173. August just flew by! I spent a good bit of it gardening and working on home renovations. I've also been building up my recipe file. I'm learning how to can, freeze, and preserve all the fruits and veggies I love. That's how I found your blog! Amy H.

  174. Hi...I'm Leslie. I thoroughly enjoy your blog. 1000 posts is an impressive goal to have reached ! Blessed indeed. August was very busy. We had an at-home wedding for our daughter. Then I drove to Florida to pick up an Anatolian puppy to guard our flock. We also started renovating the ramshackle cottage on our farm to lease it to a young aspiring farmer. I learned how to make kombucha and did a lot of veggie freezing because the garden is bursting. I really need to learn how to can. Are there recipes in your lovely book? Thanks so much for all the inspiration.

  175. I spent time with my grandchildren, canned, and made a crock of sauerkraut and spent as much time outdoors as possible.

  176. I just love your blog! Such good information on it when it comes to preserving the harvest. Thanks for all the time you put into it. This August we have been preserving!!! And putting the garden bounty up for winter.....raspberry jam, peaches, peach jam, dill pickles, dill relish, bread and butter pickles, pickled beets, carrots, beets, shredded zucchini, and we butchered our first 55 meat chickens for this next year!

  177. I was able to spend a week in Pompano Beach Florida with my husband! Good eats and hot beach!

  178. Excellent blog! Congrats on the 1,000 posts! Love the blog name as's encouraging just to read by itself. In August, I cleaned out a lot of "junk" and organized the rest of it, helped my daughter bake and make jam for the county fair (she did well), prepared lesson plans to homeschool 8th and 4th grade, and spent a lot of time in my garden.

  179. Freya: I was busy with my 3 kids, 3 cows, 3 hives, 8 puppies, 9 chickens, 4 cats and 1 husband!

  180. We got through the heat, hosted small group and planned for fall?

  181. We moved into a bigger house.

  182. I'm from the UK so don't know if I can qualify. But August for us was just to keep plodding along, we are going through the process of becoming adoptive parents again and had a hold up and we couldn't do anything with people on holiday!!!!, We have been listening to God about living a simpler life and trying to work out how that can be achieved. And all in all trying to have fun with our boys
    Lindsay (UK)

  183. In August I canned a ton of things from my garden and made quite a few batches of beet hummus which thanks to you was awesome. Also spent the time preparing my five year old for kindergarten.


  184. I spent August putting up vegetables in my freezer and learning to knit with my daughters at a class at my church.

    Kimberly M, GA

  185. I spent August at work/school... I work as a library aide at a charter school and we are on a year round calendar so we started in August :) we still had wonderful weekends hanging out as a family though :) -Angie m.
    Great blog by the way... A friend shared it with me today since we are canning tomatoes... I am doing a batch of stewed tonight and we are making sauce together Monday.

  186. August was spent canning a lot of tomatoes here - including spaghetti sauce, etc. We're still hard at it now - come to think of it:-) We also spent time keeping up with the yard, the house and helping hubby with any ranchwork, etc.

    I love your blog!

    LaRee C. from Nebraska

  187. August was a BUSY month here. We just moved to our homestead in June so the entire summer has been nothing but hard work - but so rewarding! We got the chicken coop completed and filled (35 Rhode Island Reds!), the guinea fowl are big enough to start free ranging and we had the first chance to put some late summer/early fall plants in. I find myself thanking God every day for letting me find and move to this place - it's been such a blessing.

  188. august is one of my favorite months...we spent the better part of one week at our local fair: tractor pulls, rides, eating junk food...and I also canned for the very first time! and I acutally used YOUR blog to walk me through it...I did peaches, salsa, pizza sauce & tomato soup! we worked on it as a family - which was a lot of fun - canning isn't nearly as scary as I thought :) and, we prepared for our very first year of homeschooling!!! we pulled our boys out of public school (9 &11 yrs old) and we are soooooo excited that God has called us on this journey
    ~ your blog has been a blessing, thank you!
    Rachel v.


Just a friendly reminder, if you know me personally please try to refrain from using my name. There are those who may try to locate me, break into my pantry and steal my pickled beets. Thanks:-).

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