Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lord Willing...

In a season of hustle and bustle, I'm going to try to sit down.

I'm going to host a Thanksgiving meal and do my best not to stress over every detail and morsel being perfect.

I'm going to decorate our house for Christmas simply with what we have (the photo below is from last year).

I'm going to finish Christmas shopping in a timely manner so there's no rush at the end.

I'm going to think on the Big Christmas picture through the The Advent Jesse Tree devotional we do as a family.

I'm going to try to balance seasonal activities outside the home with needed alone time in the home.

I'm going to try to make Christmas treats special by not gorging on them all month long and instead waiting until the week or two before to start baking.

I'm going to begin a journey that has taken a lot of courage to commit to (for fear of failing)- reading through the Bible in 90 days (starting December 1st if you'd like to join me!).

I'm going take the month of December off from blogging.

Instead of speeding up, I'm going to force myself to slow down. Instead of a barreling locomotive charging into the station, I want to softly land on Christmas day like a leaf floating in the breeze. This analogy may seem silly, but I think it's going to stick for me- and it may be the best Christmas present I can give myself.  Join me?

With Love and Thanksgiving and Christmas Blessings,
Jane Pin It


  1. Lovely; thank you! I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a glorious December. Thank you for the blessing you have been to my family and so many others this year. May God's peace fill your home and your hearts as you celebrate Advent: the eager expectation of the coming Christmas and the assurance and anticipation of His return.

  2. Jane, I love reading your blog. You bring the sacred into everyday life. Your thoughts about slowing down in December for food for my soul. I'm always grateful for the season of Advent as a time of reflection, preparation and brooding.

    I'm curious about your reason for reading the Bible in 90 days. It seems like the antithesis of slowing down.

    The Peace of Christ to you and your family,

    1. My theory is that making the reading of scripture a priority will only help me focus more on the gift of Christ. I'm looking forward to seeing glimpses of Jesus in the Big Story- God's Story. It will also help me to turn down activities that will distract me because of needing to set time aside to read the Bible- a quiet, reflective and worshipful experience for me. Peace to you as well, dear Anne:-).

  3. Jane -
    Thanks! Exactly what I needed to read just now when amidst all the "prep ahead as much as I can" stuff, I realized I forgot to put the eggs in the dough for the dinner rolls - there they are sitting on the counter as pretty as you please (beautiful brown ones from our hens) - so that's why the dough felt different than usual!! :-) Think of you often and pray for you and your family. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. God is good and He is trustworthy. - Esther in NJ

  4. Thank you for this blog. I am grateful you take the time to post so I might learn.
    I hope you have a holiday season with stress lifted off your shoulders and blessings throughout.
    Thank you again.

  5. You have a very wise and doable plan. Slowing down is always a good thing. I will continue to seriously keeps me sane;-)

    Enjoy the Bible reading in 90 days. It was such an eye opener for me. Reading it more like a novel, I noticed things I had not during studies...why? Who knows, but it was so good to read it like that. One of the first things I noticed was that Adam was in the Garden with Eve during the exchange with the serpent. I stopped, told my husband, he read it, then we had a long, wonderful discussion as to why Adam did not try to stop Eve. I think that when we are studying the Bible, we try maybe too hard to understand whether God is speaking to us, but just reading it, I found I understood it better...if that makes sense. Enjoy your time.
    blessings, jill

  6. I have just started to follow your blog and am loving it. I am totally impressed with your decision to take this most special time of year away from Blogging. I think the commercialization and over expectation of Christmas has blind sided the true spirit of what Christmas is. It is after all when our Saviour was born. Enjoy the season in the fullest sense of peace and happiness. God Bless you and your family.

  7. so inspiring. so wise. May God bless your December and especially your gentle landing. . .

  8. I have followed your blog for about 4 years now and continue to feel encouraged by your posts. I am amazed by how our lives share many things in common. Reading through the Bible in 90 days changed my life in 2008. My husband and I did it in a small group. We were scared of the commitment but trusted God to help us. We made it PRIORITY everyday and HE was faithful to teach us much during that time. You will never regret this journey... very Powerful! Relax and enjoy His Word.

  9. Jane-beautifully written and thought provoking. Enjoy every moment and Merry Christmas.
    I have asked "Santa" for your cookbook.

  10. You have inspired me to read my Bible in 90days as well. My husband is doing it with me along with another small group of family members. Thanks so much! (Aurelie)

  11. Just curious, do you have a plan you will follow for reading the Bible in 90 days? I think it is great and it is something I was thinking of doing also. I had tried before, but life threw some curve balls my way. What I remember the most was that scripture was constantly on my mind, all through the day. So sweet.

  12. I loved this post, Jane. Blessings to you and your family this holiday season.

  13. Sounds lovely. I trust you accomplished all these things my sweet friend? Looking forward to catching up with you in the coming days. Love to you! Camille


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